chapter 12

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"The beauty about time is that we're always promised the future and as long as you draw breath, you will hold all the power which will guide you to better days. What happened yesterday does not decide what happens today. I want you to remember that Dawnkit, and I want you to appreciate the beauty of every morning, because every morning we wake up to, is another day where we can turn it around and make it better than before. Dawn is truly such a beautiful thing."

Dawnpaw continued to let Swanflutter's words roam her mind, however no matter how tightly she clung to them, this morning brought her nothing but pain as she stared down at her dead leader.

Sunstar was laying on the ground, eyes now glazed over and fur a mixture of golden brown and matted blood. He was unrecognizable. It made her stomach flip and she struggled to keep her food down at the abhorring sight. Meadowlark and Goldenfell hadn't left his side since they had returned from the battle, their eyes red-stained and completely void. They seemed so numb.

Dawnpaw's mind was all over the place because simply, she found it too painful to focus on one thing.

She couldn't clear Bluepaw's widened cerulean eyes from her thoughts, the death of her leader or the unsettling stare which remained in Tigertaunt's slanted gaze.

The sky was spotless and soft gales soared throughout the camp, the gentle whistling of morning birdsong traveling into her ears. The day felt far too beautiful despite the dour mood of her clan.

She was forced to visit Graypetal by her mother, and she just sat in silence as her former mentor patched up her wounds, however she wasn't sure what to say. She was sure Graypetal didn't have anything to say, either.

One of Silverpool's kits, Hiddenkit, was by his side. It seemed to lighten her mood a little and she was glad the medicine cat had set his eyes on someone more qualified to be his apprentice.

Somewhere along the way Dawnpaw had fallen asleep, and it seemed to be a gift from StarClan that her dreams were pleasant.

Maybe she was already dreaming. Maybe she'd wake up and Sunstar would still be alive.

She wasn't dreaming.


Rounded blue eyes fluttered open to meet a soft shade of green accompanied by a rather eager calico.

"Come on sleepyhead, you've been out all day." Dovepaw spoke softly, and Dawnpaw felt her body shiver as the other apprentice nudged her cheek before groaning in annoyance and sitting up to groom her matted fur, sending the mottled she-cat a death glare for waking her up in the process before she finally spoke.

"Tell me I was dreaming," Dawnpaw sighed, "tell me Sunstar is okay."

Dovepaw grew uncomfortably quiet, the excitement vanishing from her gaze as she shook her head. Then why is she so excited?

"While you were asleep, Frozenlily finally managed to get Goldenfell and Meadowlark away from Sunstar so he could be prepared. You missed the vigil too, but tonight is really important." Dovepaw explained, her voice quiet but it was obvious she was struggling to hide her excitement.

"What's so important?"

"Your dad just arrived from Hallowed Cavern with Graypetal, he's officially FallClan's leader."

"Already?" Dawnpaw spoke, her jaw gapped as she stared at her newfound friend who only nodded solemnly.

"But not just that," Dovepaw started again, her green gaze bright, "the clan feels like it's in ruins so when Tigerstar elects his deputy tonight, he's decided to move our warrior ceremony a little earlier in an attempt to give cats hope."

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