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"Are you sure you're ok with people knowing" I asked nervous.
"Of course I am, I don't care what they say" it was like he read my mind.
"Ok can tell them" I smiled at him.
"I will see you after school" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Ok" I was blushing.

Aomine POV

I went to pick up Yui at her class so we could go talk with my team. When I got there, I looked through the classroom door to look for her. What I saw upset me, she was talking to some guy. He seemed to be happy that she was talking to him.
"Yui" I said her name loud enough for her to hear me. She turned to look at me and quickly walked over to me. The guy looked confused because she seemed to have forgotten about him all together.
"Hi Aomine" she smiled at me.
"Hi, ready to go"
"Yea, let me just grab my bag" she walked over to were that guy was. He tried to talk to her but she ignored him, grabbing her bag. "Ok, let's go" she walked back over to me and I grabbed her hand.
"Who was that guy"
"I don't know"
"He just came up to me, he said he wanted to tell me something"
"About what"
"I don't know, you came before he told me"
"Well....I...can I ask you for a favor"
"Can you stay away from him, I don't trust him" I know that I sound selfish but I don't want her or our baby around someone I don't know.
"Ok" she smiled back at me.
"AOMINE" I know that voice anywhere, it was Jun. We had slept together a few times but she wants more from me.
"How mean" I rolled my eyes
"What do you need"
"Can I come over tonight"
"Jun, I don't have time for this" I look over at Yui. "Let's go" I grab her hand again as we walked to the gym. When we entered, my whole team stopped and stared at us. "What you staring at" I asked as I hid Yui behind me a little. I felt protective over her and our baby.
"Are you kidding" Imayoshi looked annoyed.
"What" I
"Stop with that jackass...what is up with the girl" Wakamatsu yelled at me.
"Sorry b-but we w-want...."
"We want to know what's up" Susa finished Sakurai's sentence. (Sorry I don't know how to be serious like Susa, I'm doing my best)
"Her name is Yui, she is the girl I said I was bring with me"
"Is she your girlfriend or something" Susa asked.
"NO" me and Yui both yelled together.
"I'm confused"
"Sorry b-but m-me too"
"I hate this idiot"
"Me too and I officially met her earlier today"
"Ok I will explain" I said taking a deep breath. "Well first we are live together" they started yell again.
"WHAT" Imayoshi yelled.
"ARE GUYS LOST TOO" Susa was very confused.
"THIS JACKASS" Wakamatsu yelled in anger.
"S-sorry but what" Sakurai was speaking calm but that's because he was nervous.
"Ok, stop yelling" I felt Yui holding onto me. She was nervous too, I could feel her shaking. "It's ok" I turned around to comfort her.
"Thank you" she whisper to me.
"Hello Aomine" Momoi said to get my attention.
" we" I pointed between me and Yui. "Are not dating" Yui nodded in agreement.
"I'm confused"
"Me too"
"What THE FU...."
"Can you guys let me finish before you start that again"
"Fine" they all said together.
"Ok...were was I"
"We are not dating" Yui said standing next to me.
" not dating but...." I became nervous.
"But" Momoi questioned and everyone else just waited for me to answer.
"We...well" I wasn't sure how to tell them. I then felt Yui hold my hand to calm my nerves. "We are having a baby together" they all started yelling again"
"STOP YELLING" I yelled back at them and they stopped. "I can explain" I was getting a headache from all their yelling. "At first, we were just sleeping together but she ended up pregnant" I started. "When her parents found out, they kicked her out" they all looked sorry for her. "I found out she was pregnant after her parents kicked her out so that's why we are living together".
"I see"
"Who would have thought this jackass would be nice"
"Th-that's s-sweet...sorry"
"How cute" Momoi came over and gave Yui a hug. "We should be friends" she happily said, not letting Yui go.
"Are you all done" coach asked, surprising all of us.
"When d-did y-you...." I started asking.
"The whole time" he was quick to answer. "Are you done, are you ready for practice" he asked.
"Almost...I have a favor"
"What is it"
"Can Yui be co-manager with Momoi"
"WHAT" they all yelled together.
"I want to keep her close" I said. Couch looked like he was thinking before he turned to look at Momoi.
"It's up to you, what do you say" Momoi got a huge smile on her face.
"I would love it" I let out a breath, I didn't realize I was holding.
"Aomine are you ok" Yui asked with a smile on my face.
"Yea...just fine"

I hope you liked this chapter

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