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"Don't cry" she wiped my tears, she was acting like my mom. "It's going to be ok.....I promise" she kept wiping my tears away.
"I know....thank you" I laughed a little but I still felt a few tears. I was still hurting but I felt better having her by my side.
"Come one, let's go eat....I got pizza" I laughed at she pulled me up from the bed. "I know that it will cheer you up" she pulled me down stairs.
"Ok" I laughed as we made our way to the kitchen.


As we made our way into the kitchen and I saw the one person that I didn't want to see. Aomine was sitting at the kitchen table with a pizza in front of him. I looked over at Momoi and she smiled at little.
"You should talk" Momoi whispered as she released my hand. She quickly left the kitchen and I just stood there looking at Aomine. He carefully stood up, he was acting like I would run away if he moved to quickly. He carefully made his way to were I was standing. When he got to close I put my hand in front of me to stop him from getting to close.
"Don't....don't get to close" he didn't listen to me. He took my hand in his much bigger one. He carefully placed it to his heart and I could feel his heart racing.
"You feel it right" he asked, I just nodded. "Do you know why" I shook my head no, I couldn't say anything. "It races only for you"
"Because......I love you" I felt tears, he quickly panicked. "I'm sorry" I took a hold of the front of his t-shirt. I hid my face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "Yui....." he patted my head to calm me.
"I-I love y-you, I l-love y-you, I-I love you" I kept repeating to him.
"I love you too" he held my face in his hands, wiping my tears with his thumbs. "I love you so much" he started giving my whole face kisses. "Come home with me baby" he whispered in my ear, I just nodded.

Momoi POV

"This asshole" I quickly opened his door without thinking. The moment I entered I saw him laying on his couch with red puffy eyes. It was clear to me that he was crying for a while. "Aomine" he jumped up the moment I said his name.
"Yui.....oh....Momoi" he sat back down on his couch.
"Where is Yui" I asked and I saw the hurt in his eyes when I said her name.
"I-I.....I messed up" he started crying again.
"How" I wanted to hear what he was feeling.
"I d-didn't...."
"Tell her you loved her" he looked hurt when I finished his sentence.
"If I take you to her, will you tell her"
"Yes, of course" he quickly stood up from the idea of seeing Yui.
"Well....let's go, we need to get pizza first"
"Why" he was confused by the statement.
"I promised her food"
"Ok...I will pay for it"
"You really love that girl"
"Of course I do"


When we got home, me and Aomine ended up laying down in bed. He had his head on my stomach and I ran my hand through his hair.
"How are you feeling" he asked, looking up at me.
"I promise that I'm ok" he was worried about me. He just didn't want to do anything to hurt me. "You don't have to worry" I gave the top of his head a quick kiss. "I love you" I felt him carefully pick me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He switched positions with me so that he was sitting against the bed frame, with me sitting in his lap. I laid my head on his should, breathing in his scent.
"I love you so much" he kissed the side of my face.
"Aomine" I laughed a little from the action.
"Your mine and I'm never letting you go" he kissed my lips this time.
"I love you" I was the happiest I have ever been.
"My girlfriend is cute" he laughed and I tighten my hold around his shoulder.
"My boyfriend is too" he tighten his hold around my waist. I could never love some the way that I loved him.

I hope you liked it, sorry for the late/short chapter. I'm try my best.

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