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"Your mine and I'm never letting you go" he kissed my lips this time.
"I love you" I was the happiest I have ever been.
"My girlfriend is cute" he laughed and I tighten my hold around his shoulder.
"My boyfriend is too" he tighten his hold around my waist. I could never love some the way that I loved him.


"Do you need anything before I go" Aomine was worried. It was almost time for me to give birth. I was in the beginning of my ninth month of pregnancy.
"No" I smiled at him and he gave me a quick kiss before grabbing his things.
"I'll be back soon....ok" he still had a worried look on his face.
"Its ok Aomine" I gave him another kiss to calm him.
"I know but....please call me if anything happens, anything at all".
"I promise to call you if anything happens" he nodded.
"I'll see you after school" he gave me one final kiss before leaving. I smiled to myself as I rubbed my stomach. When I started my third trimester, we ended up telling the principal about our situation. Well not all of it, we didn't tell them about my parents kicking me out. After a lot of talking, I was given permission to stay home for the rest my pregnancy. It wasn't a big deal because the school years was almost over anyway. "Why are you always so hungry" I asked my daughter, laughing a little. I made my way into the kitchen, grabbing some juice and bread. "When will I get to see you" I asked myself as I ate. I was ready to pop at any moment and I was excited. "If I did the math will be born in time for your dad's big game" I felt her kick and I laughed. "Are you excited" I laughed when I felt another kick. I went back to the living room to watch some TV. I couldn't really do much because of my pregnancy. "What do you want to watch baby" I asked, rubbing my stomach.

Aomine POV

"She is fine" Momoi told me for the million time. I was at practice but I was only thinking about Yui and our daughter. I couldn't help it, Yui was ready to pop any moment.
"Practice is almost over...ok" I just nodded.
"Aomine" Imayoshi called out to me, I was ready to get yelled at. I knew he was probably mad because I wasn't focusing.
"Yes" when he walked up to me, I didn't see any sign of anger.
"I know you want to go go ahead" it took me a second to realize what he said.
"What...really" I was completely surprised.
"Yes...I understand" he smiled a little.
"Thank you" I didn't even think twice before getting all my things and quickly leaving.


"Yui" I heard Aomine yelled as he entered our apartment.
"Aomine" I called out to him, I was laying in bed because my back was hurting.
"Yui" he pop his head in, to look at me and I laughed.
"You are early" I said as he came and sat next to me.
"I missed you" he kissed my cheek and baby bump.
"You are so cute" I held his face in my hands, kissing his nose. "Did practice end early" I asked and he looked nervous.
"No, Imayoshi let me leave early" I was surprised.
"Aomine, the Winter Cup is coming up" he was quick to answer me.
"I know but..."
"You need to focus....I'll be ok"
"I'll be ok and I'll call you when I'm not" I gave him a kiss to calm him. "Ok"
"Don't worry so much, just focus.....for us" I held his hand over my stomach and he smiled.
"I will" he gave me a few kisses and I laughed. "Are you hungry.....I can make you something".
"No, just......stay here....with me" he wrapped me in a hug.
"I'll always stay with you" I gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

Sorry for the late update, I have been busy but I hope you liked it.

You, Me And Our Daughter (Aomine x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora