Private Matter

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"Aomine, you should go to your meeting" he looked up at me. "Come on, be a good example" he smiled a little.
"Fine" he sat up and Momoi mouth thank you. "Finish your food, ok" I nodded before waving goodbye to them.

Aomine POV

Me and Momoi walked in silence until she decided to question me.
"Who is she" she was very straight forward about her questioning.
"Her name is Yui"
"Are you dating her"
"'s complicated" I hadn't talked with Yui about if we were going to tell people. So I chose not to tell her about my soon to be child.
"Are you two fucking" that comment upset me a bit. I didn't like people talking about the mother of my child like that.
"No, it's not like that"
"Then what's up with you two"
"Listen, it's complicated and it has nothing to do with you"
"What the fuck, why not"
"It's our private matter"
"Fine, I'll let it go for now" we continued our walk in silence.
"You found him" Imayoshi said as we walked into the gym.
"Were was the jackass" Wakamatsu asked and I just rolled my eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me" he yelled.
"What you going to do about it"
"You want to fight" he got in my face and I almost punched him. Yet I thought back to what Yui told me earlier "be a good example".
"No" he looked a bit shocked with my answer, my whole team was.
"Wow, who would have thought a gir...."
"Momoi, stop talking" I was quick to stop her before she could bring up Yui.
"No hold up, what were you going to say" Imayoshi asked.
"I-I" Momoi looked at me and then looked back at Imayoshi. "No it's not my right to bring it up".
"Ok.....Aomine" he turned to look at me. "What was she going to say" I didn't say anything for what felt like an hour.
"I will tell you everything later at practice.....I will bring her with me".
"S-sorry but d-did y-you say her....sorry" Sakurai asked.
"Like I said, I will explain everything later".
"Fine but you better explain all of it" Imayoshi finally said.
"I will, I just need to talk to her first" I wanted to ask her if I could tell my team about our baby.


"It's a really sunny day" I said holding my stomach. I was looking out the window of an empty classroom. After Aomine left me to finish my food, I head here to have some peace and quiet. I just didn't want people around me right now. "I cannot wait to see you baby" I laughed at myself.
"I cannot either" I turned to see Aomine with a smile on his face. He carefully walked over to me, setting his hand on my stomach. I smiled as he gave my stomach a quick kiss.
"Yes" he looked up at me.
"I glad I met you" he laughed.
"Why is that"
"Your....your just amazing" I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I glad I me....."
"So you are dating her" we turned to see Momoi with her arms crossed.
"No, we're not dating" Aomine and I said together.
"What.....I don't get you two" she looked confused.
"I told you and the team, that I will explain everything later"
"Yea....ok.... fine" she said walking away, she was clearly thinking of something.
"Sorry about that" Aomine turned his attention back to me.
"It's fine" I laughed a little and we then heard the bell ring. "We should head to class" Aomine didn't let me go. "What's wrong, Aomine" I asked worried for him.
"I wanted to talk to you about something"
"What is it"
"Can...Can I...Can I tell my team that....that...your pregnant" I was a little shocked by the question.
"I-I....." I wasn't sure how to answer, it was that I didn't want people to know. I just didn't want people to think bad things about Aomine. He is a good guy and I know that well.
"We don't have to if you don't want" he quickly said when I didn't answer him and I quickly shook my head no.
"Are you sure you're ok with people knowing" I asked nervous.
"Of course I am, I don't care what they say" it was like he read my mind.
"Ok can tell them" I smiled at him.
"I will see you after school" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Ok" I was blushing.

Sorry for the late update, I have been busy this past few days.

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