When You Fall Asleep Before Them

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Smiles down at you, tucks you in to keep you warm, then kisses your cheek before leaving you to rest.

Plops down beside you almost landing on you. Grunts uncomfortably if you're in the way then settles down next to you.

Grabs a handful of blankets then proceeds to wrap you up desperate to keep you warm.....Even in the summer.

She smirks down at your sleeping body, then slips under the covers with you to cuddle you close.

Makes sure you're comfortable by repositioning your pillow and tucking you in under the blanket. Then due to not wanting to bother you....she sleeps on the floor besides the bed.

When she sees you're asleep, she tiptoes through the room not wanting to wake you. Unfortunately that will inevitably end up not working out. When she accidentally wakes you up she smiles big then says "You're awake!"

He gently rolls you over then carefully pulls himself into bed. However, before he falls asleep he will plant a kiss on your cheek before rolling over to sleep.

He doesn't try to be quiet. Not because he wants to be rude, he often just can't judge how loud he is. When you wake up he feels really bad but lightens up when you smile and hold a hand out to pull him under the covers with you.

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