How You Started Dating

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You glanced at yourself in the mirror one last time. Even though your self confidence was as low as your math grade...even you had to admit that you looked pretty good. The end of the year came faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it was the Spring Fling dance. Despite all the hype around it, you were only going because your mother told you you'd regret it if you skipped. She said, find someone nice to go with...and have a good night. That seemed like an easy enough concept. Except....the one person who you want to go with...doesn't seem to like you anymore. She isn't the same bubbly, rambling, giggly ball of sunshine she was when you met on her first day.

Not only that but she wasn't even going to be there. She got wrapped up with "wanting to belong" so much...she lost herself. What made her so beautiful in the first place. It pained you that you hadn't been able to save her. To stop her from drifting off into the shoes, clothes, and nail polish...

Still, maybe it was possible for you to have a good night without Cady there...

"plastic don't shine, glitter don't shine, rhinestone don't shine the way you do."

Your eyes watered with pride as Cady announced to everyone how she was wrong. There she was, that happy and beautiful girl you fell in love with. As the swarm of kids caught her from the stage, Cady spotted you in the crowd. She pushed through them to face you. Her bright smile flickered with uncertainty. Uncertainty if you would forgive her. But with a cheeky little grin, you pulled her into a hug letting her grip onto you like a lifeboat.

"I'm so proud of you." You whispered. You felt her grip lessen and soon her lips were on yours. You eased into the kiss melting at her touch.

"I' sorry. I...I was horrible...I—"

"Hey..shhh, none of that matters anymore, okay? Just...just stay here with me." You smiled holding her closer to you as the two of you swayed together to the music.

You frantically painted your newest creation with as much precision as possible given the time restraints. You had...once again....found Janis's painting skills to fascinating to not watch. Now...the projects are due by the end of the class period and you have just started painting it. You knew the chances of finishing were slim to none...well...finishing and making it not look like a toddler just got ahold of paints for the first time. You had been so busy, you didn't hear the laughing. Sitting behind you just so happened to be your bully. He always made fun of whatever art you made...even the work that was good.

"Hey~ that looks pretty awesome." He smirked. Though it sounded like a complement, his tone was laced with condescension. It was so intense in fact, it made you shrink in your seat. "You know what would make it even better?" He continued. You saw what he was about to do but didn't have time to stop it. He grabbed a paint brush, and the most obnoxious colored paint ever and slapped a large strip of paint down the center of the canvas.

Your mouth fell open as you watched any chance of getting a good grade fly out the window. You knew if you failed...your parents would force you to drop the class. You didn't want to cry, you hated crying...but as he just sat back and continued his felt so small.

"Hey! Why don't you get the hell away from her? It's not like yours is amazing." Janis grumbled turning to swat the boy away as if he was just a fly. "Are you alright? What did he—oh..." she frowned seeing the now ruined portrait. "Well..I know it looks bad now but...we can fix this. I promise!" Janis grins slightly picking up a clean brush. "If it's okay with you...May I?"

You nodded slowly watching Janis turn that ugly streak into a detailed and honestly amazing mustache upon the portrait's face. "There. No harm done." She smiled.

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