What You Love About Them

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What you love most about Cady is how excitable she gets. She gets giggly and bouncy. It always makes your heart melt.

You love Janis's sense of humor. Especially when she tells a joke that is dark. Dark humor was always your favorite type of humor.

You loved Damian's confidence. The way he could just walk into any room and light up everyone around him. He could make anyone smile.

Regina's special skill, at least to you, was her ability to make you feel loved. She always put you first and made sure you were always smiling.

Your favorite thing about Gretchen is the trust she has in you. She believes everything you say, and it makes you happy that you can ease her mind.

You love how Karen is always keeping you laughing. Whether she means to or not. Every time your together, you're almost splitting a side laughing.

You adore Aaron's kindness. He genuinely cares about the people in his life and wants to ensure they are happy. But you're top of his list.

You're favorite thing is when Kevin gets goofy. His rapping skills are the most entertaining thing to watch. It makes him so happy you actually enjoy it.

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