Kirk x Lars - Sleepover

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It's not that I didn't want to go. I had no reason not to. I just had a weird feeling in my stomach. The drive up to Jason's new cabin in Big bear was long, giving me a lot of time to feel anxious. It was nice of him and Nicole to invite us up for the weekend, we had all been so stressed these past few months trying to get the record together in the studio.

What I was dreading, however, was seeing Lars. It had been a few weeks since the incident and we had been both doing our best to avoid each other. Neither of us knew what to say, or maybe we didn't want to say it. What was there to talk about after you and your best friend drunkenly kiss each other in the back of a limo after a night out?

But our silence towards one another was starting to put a strain on our dynamic in the studio, so I was half hopping this weekend would be the key to break the awkwardness and everything would go back to normal.

It was around dinnertime when I finally arrived at the extravagant wooden cabin. A layer of fresh snow gave it a picturesque feel and for a moment my anxiety eased. I saw Lars's and James's car and knew I was the last one to arrive.

As I pulled my suitcase out of the truck the front door of the cabin opened. Nicole smiled and skipped down the steps cautiously to come greet me.

"Hi" She said as she kissed me warmly on both cheeks.

"Look at you, you're going to freeze to death" I said, referring to her house robe over her pajamas and slippers.

"Come inside, come inside" She led me up the stairs of the two story cabin. We walked into the main room where Lars and James seemed to be in a heated poker match. James looked up from his cards.

"Hey man!" He got up to give me a hug. Lars however just eyed me from behind his cards without saying anything. Jason stuck his head out from the kitchen.

"Finally, did you get lost?"

"No I just didn't speed the entire way here like these two" I set my bag down on the floor

"We're still putting together the guest room so you guys are sleeping out here in the great room. But we have mattresses we'll put out. You and Lars can either share one or one of you can sleep on the couch" Nicole said sweetly

"It's fine, we'll share," Lars said without looking up. I pursed my lips and looked down at my hands. Nicole looked at me for confirmation. I just nodded.

"Alrighty then" She chirped and headed down the hallways.

"Want a beer?" Jason called from the kitchen, where he was cooking.

"Sure. Where's Fran?" I asked James.

"Sleeping in Jason and Nicole's room. The baby's giving her some trouble"

"Well your driving would make anyone nauseous, pregnant or not" Lars snorted. James smacked him upside the head. Jason came out of the kitchen and handed me a coors.

"I hope you're hungry, Kirk" Nicole said "Jason is trying his hand as vegetarian lasagna"

"Keyword is trying!" Jason called from the kitchen. I smiled

"As opposed to regular people lasagna" James grumbled, showcasing his known disdain for Lars's and my dietary choices.

An hour later, once I had settled in and taken a shower, we all gathered around the table to eat. Francesca appeared from her and James's room, still looking slightly pale and nauseous, her tiny baby bump not even visible through her blouse.

James fussed around her, getting her to her seat and holding her arm.

"Will you stop fussing, I'm not dying" She smacked his arm once she sat down.

80's Band Oneshots/ ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ