Hold Me Close Pt. 3

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Days of silence. That's what Jason got in return for his service. James still talked to him, he talked to everyone, but only when he had to. His good mood began to dissipate and it seemed the slightest thing would set him off. His coffee was too hot? It threw it on the sidewalk. His guitar wouldn't tune right? He yelled about it. He stubbed his toe on the bus? He wouldn't look at anyone for an hour. Needless to say the atmosphere was getting a little tense for the rest of the guys. This continued for four long days.

Jason stepped out of his bunk after his nap into the lounge area of the bus. Kirk was stretched out on one of the couches reading a comic. Instead of shooing him to make room Jason simply lifted Kirks legs, sat down and stretched them back across his lap. He slumped his head against the guitarist's shoulder tiredly. Kirk instinctively stretched his arm over Jason's shoulder to continue holding his comic.

It was no secret Jason had connected with Kirk the most since he had known the guys. The three of them grieved in very different ways. James got angry and drank, Lars threw himself into work, micromanaging everything around him. But Kirk grieved quietly and sadly, his grief meant he searched for comfort in others and gave out comfort just as much. It's no wonder then that he and the new bassist gravitated towards one another, both in scary and new situations and needing someone to talk to about it. James and Lars certainly weren't ones to bear their feelings, after all.

"Tired?" Kirk asked and patted Jason's shoulder. Jason responded with a groan and he felt the guitarist's chest shake with a chuckle.

Jason looked up to peek at Kirk's comic and it was silent for a minute as they read silently, still folded over each other.

Jason heard James clear his voice loudly from the other couch and in a flash he had crossed the space to them and had a hand on Kirk's shoulder

"I need your help with this new riff I'm working on" James didn't give Kirk even a moment to respond before he was yanking him up off the couch. Kirk stumbled and scrambled for purchase as he dropped his comic, leaving Jason to pick it up as James dragged the significantly smaller man to the other couch with him.

Jason made a face. What was that about?  Yes James was aggressive but not usually so much so. But Jason just chocked it up to Hetfield's recent bad mood.

A tiny figure suddenly came swooping down from one of the high chairs in the dining area. Lars reminded Jason of a hawk, always perched somewhere, observing, scanning. Eyes narrowed as if stalking prey.

Lars came to crouch on the armrest of the couch, peering at James and Kirk.

"You noticed that too?" Jason whispered, following his gaze. Lars nodded his head

"He's been fucking weird lately"

"I mean James is always weird" Lars turned his head to look at Jason

"No, Jason, he's been weird. I haven't seen him have a drink in days. He doesn't go out to bars after shows anymore. He just goes straight back to his room" Jason's eyes widened. It didn't surprise him Lars noticed this when Jason didn't. He looked back over at the singer, still showing kirk something on his guitar.

Was Jason wrong for thinking this had something to do with his and James's night together in his bed? Surely it wasn't that much of a big deal, but nothing else had happened that Jason could think of that might have caused James Hetfield to stop drinking. Jason just shook his head

"I don't know man, that's not like him" Lars made a grunt of agreement, chewing his gum with his front teeth before looking at him

"Listen, when we get to the hotel we're sharing rooms. You're supposed to be with James but I'll switch with you if you want" Jason looked at the dane, eyebrows raised. Then peered back over at Kirk

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