Hold Me Close - Pt. 4

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James and Jason walked from the elevator to their room in complete silence. Jason was finally coming down off his high and James had been silent the entire van ride.

He guessed James was just pissed he and Kirk had kept them waiting. Which was fair, but he and Kirk had finished up pretty quickly after their encounter in the showers. They had acted like nothing had happened, which was just fine with Jason.

Jason's head was starting to hurt trying to keep up with all James's mood swings. One day he was genuine and honest, the next day he was giving him the cold shoulder or barking orders at him. Jason felt like he was playing a game of cat and mouse, never sure when it was safe to approach out of fear of being eaten.

He knew how Kirk felt about him, hell he even knew how Lars felt about him, but it felt like James was keeping him on a string, staying just ambiguous enough to keep him coming back for more. He wanted to know how James felt about him, god dammit.

Maybe his little fantasy about him a few nights ago was part of the reason. But the other part was just so Jason could fall into a routine around the singer, not always feeling like he had to walk on eggshells or scope out James's mood beforehand.

Jason's gut twisted when he thought about what just happened in the shower with Kirk. He liked Kirk sure, but not really like that. Call it a cop out but Jason would rather blame it on the drugs than take responsiblility. Because every time he looked at James... there was a fluttering in his stomach he didn't get with Kirk. This was starting to feel like a high school romance. He was an adult for Christ sakes.

Besides there was no way James Hetfield was into guys. Jason might as well have had a school girl crush on one of his teachers. There was no way in hell James was ever going to look at him like that. Jason knew he just needed to suck it up and get over it. This was his career, his future laid in the palms of these guys' hands, he couldn't fuck it up. At least, no more than he just did by having Kirk jerk him off in the shower. But that's besides the point.

It was only when they reached their door and James dug through his pockets for the key card did Jason clear his throat.

"Fucking hate it when they're out of single rooms" He expected a grunt of agreement but James smiled. Jason's heart shot up into his throat and his eyes burned. Shit.

"I don't mind. I used to share a room with my brothers growing up" The door light flashed green and the men walked in. Jason raised an eyebrow.

"You have brothers?" Jason hovered by the mini bar as James picked up his bags and set them on the bed he claimed as his

"Yeah, two" James opened his duffle bag and took out a notebook, seating himself in the arm chair in the corner of the room and beginning to scribble in it. Jason pondered for a moment. He realized how much he truly didn't know about James, how much he didn't talk about himself.

Jason pulled out two cans of beer. He wanted to test Lars' theory.

"Beer?" He held one out. James looked up from his lap

"Sure" he chirped and took it. Jason was surprised. Maybe Lars didn't know his shit as much as he thought he did.

Jason must have let his expression show because James looked up and raised his eyebrows. He smacked his lips after taking a sip.

"What?" Jason jumped and laughed nervously, walking over to his bed to take off his shirt

"Nothing. Just um... Lars said you hadn't been drinking lately" He almost mumbled it, not wanting James to think he was backing him into a corner. A trapped hetfield would strike first and ask questions later, as he had learned.

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