Hold Me Close Pt. 5

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Jason's eyes snap open at the sound of a loud BAM. It's still dark around him and the soft red glow of the numbered clock on his bed side tells him it's not yet dawn. He shoots up to see James's bed empty and immediately theres a sinking feeling in his stomach. He stumbles over himself getting to the end of his bed to see a contorted figure lying on the ground, still half tangled in the bedsheets ripped from the mattress. James is lying in a pool of his own sweat, hair matted to his face, chest slick with perspiration. He's shaking and crying, writhing around on the ground with his eyes closed, hands aimlessly trying to clutch things around him. If Jason didn't know, he would think he was seizing.

But even though he did know, it was still a terrifying thing to witness.

He had to push himself forward towards the singer on the ground, kneeling next to him and grabbing one of his wrists so it didn't smack him.

"James" He whispered. No reaction. James let out a sharp anguished cry that rattled jasons bones. James started flailing around his other arm, clawing for things and hitting others. Jason grabbed it and pinned it to the carpet next to his head.

"James wake up! You're safe, you're here" he tried to whisper as comfortingly as he could. But James just began to toss his head and slam his back into the ground. It was as if he was trying to escape his own dream.

Jason was aware of how loud it was becoming, and knew there were rooms under them. In a panic he threw one leg over James's torso and straddles him, holding him down with his weight and pinning his wrists next to his head.

The pressure of his body seemed to help because James lessened his struggle. Jason's heart was pounding and he tightened his hold on the singers wrists and shook them.

"James, wake up. Wake up! Cliff's gone. He's not here, he's gone. I'm here. Please wake up!" He accidentally yelled the last part louder than he should of and quickly looked towards the door out of fear the neighbours would come stomping over to give them an earful.

In that split second he was looking away James stopped moving. He snapped back to the singer and jumped when he saw his open eyes. He immediately let go of his wrists and sat up, forgetting he was still sitting on his hips.

They were silent for a moment, staring at each other. James was breathing hard. His expression was a mixture of exhaustion and shock. Jason watched James's eyelids flutter as he realized what was going on, he wanted to give him a moment before he spoke.

Jason was staring at him wordlessly, his chest rising and falling deeply, trying to catch his breath. James didn't move his wrists from their place on the carpet even when Jason had removed his grip, james could still feel the lingering feeling of his tight hold on his skin. He was sitting so perfectly, feet folded underneath him, messy curls, bare chest. James felt like he was still shaking out of fright. The intensity of the dream still lingered in his mind and he wanted to know that this was real. He hoped it was.

There were too many emotions plaguing his mind at that moment. Fear, frustration, anger, sadness, confusion. But none of that mattered as he laid there staring up at Jason. He still felt like he was freefalling. Like he was locked in the bus as it spun, turning over on itself and tossing them all like clothes in a dryer. He was grateful for Jason's weight at that moment, it kept him anchored. James wanted to feel more of it, wanted to touch him, to assure him he wasn't trapped in the bus anymore. That he was safe.

Suddenly James sat up and grabbed either side of Jason's face, smashing their lips together.

Jason let out a noise of surprise at the contact, his eyes still open in shock. He thought he was dreaming, there was no way this was happening. But the way James was desperately clinging to him, asking to be held, to be comforted, it was all too real. James needily pressed on, hands grasping at jason's hair, begging.

Jason's lips began to move instinctively with James's, and the bassist finally let his eyes shut, his hands coming down to grasp at James's back. James moaned, feeling relieved at the return of embrace.

It felt fucking amazing to let go, to feel James's hands all over his body. He had dreamt of this moment. Jason pushed his tongue hungrily into James's mouth, clasping a hand around the back of his neck as James let out a whine of surprise. But as James melted into the touch, Jason had no doubts about what he was doing.

Jason shifted his weight on James's lap which caused the blonde to suddenly grip his fingers tightly into the roots of Jason's hair, his hips bucking up reflectively to seek out further friction. Jason groaned and repeated the motion deliberately this time, feeling James's hard on grinding against his thigh.

Jason gasped for breath and James pulled his hair again and moved his mouth down the bassists neck, leaving slow, open mouth kisses and bites on the sensitive skin. Jason went slack jawed and moaned, eyes closed and head rolling back. Jason ran his hands up into James's hair

"James..." he moaned. His call was an invitation, a beg, a plea to James to not stop, to keep going.

But James didn't have time to indulge as the rooms phone rang, causing both men to jump.

Jason was off James's lap so fast you'd think someone had just barged in. He had pushed himself back on the floor and shuffled away until there were several feet between them.

James was out of breath, missing Jason's weight on him and becoming all too aware of the throbbing in his pants.

He leaned back on his palms as Jason pushed himself up to grab the receiver

"Hello?" He listened for a moment, nodding. James couldn't hear the other end, taking the moment to pull himself together. He brushed his hands through his hair and rubbed clammy hands over his face.

Jason hung up the phone, still lingering on the other side of the room, eyes averted. James felt a pit of disappointment but finally stood up.

Jason didn't hesitate to run his eyes over James shirtless and sweaty body, not missing the impressive tent pitched in his boxers.

"That was management, someone noise complained about us" he cleared his throat.

James wondered how violently he must have been dreaming, how he ended up on the floor in the first place.

"You should get some sleep" Jason said softly. James ran a hand over his face again. It was true, he was exhausted, and it probably showed.

He sat down on his bed and looked at his band mate standing in front of him. His eyes were big.

"Are you sure?" He wasn't asking if he should go to bed, Jason knew that. He was asking if he was sure he didn't want to pick up where they left off. Jason stepped closer until their legs touched. He tucked a strand of James's hair behind his ear, letting his hand fall onto his shoulder. He smiled

"I'm sure" again, he wasn't talking about going to bed. James looked disappointed. Jason quickly leaned down and sealed their lips together again. James could feel him smiling into the kiss. He wanted to pull Jason down into the bed with him, but he didn't.

Jason pulled away just as James placed his hand over his, still on his shoulder.

"Stay with me tonight" he whispers. Jason smiles, nodding.

80's Band Oneshots/ Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن