Slash x Steven Adler - Deepest Fears

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Slash had had a fight with Steven that night. Steven had called him to tell him that his grandmother had found his weed in his room and she was pissed. And that she might be sending Steven back to his mother in the valley.

Naturally, in the mind of a drunk, pissed off eighteen year old, all slash heard was that Steven was leaving him. Whether it was the booze, the fear that their music dreams were being smashed or just the anger that his best friend and lover was being taken away from him, Slash got mad. He yelled at Steven for being so careless as to leave his pot where his grandmother could find it. Then when that excuse for anger ran out, he yelled at the poor blonde for ruining their dreams of rock stardom, because how could they form a band when they were so far apart?

Steven eventually had enough, as he had been berated all night by his grandmother already, and slammed the phone down. He ran his hands frantically through his hair as he paced the length of his room, wondering why Slash was being such a dick. Wouldn't he miss him? Wasn't he sad? Steven couldn't understand it. So he did the thing he was most known to: he ran away. Instead of staying locked in his room for the rest of the night like his grandmother had told him to, Steven dropped out of his bedroom window into the bushes down below and ran out into the pouring rain down the streets of Hollywood.

He couldn't tell his tears from the rain drops, nor did he even know where he was going. Part of him wanted to run to Slash's house, as he had done so many times over the years. But he knew he couldn't. He thought about going to one of his many old ladies he had around town, to crash on their couches for the night.

But the last thing he wanted right now was to be in the company of a woman. Instead he walked for what seemed like forever, just sulking down the many back roads of LA, letting the rain soak him to the bone. All he was wearing was a leather vest over a black t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. So by the time he flopped down on the curb of a random street under the fluorescent neon sign of a store, he was shaking and shivering like no one's business. But he picked that spot because of the light, as it was so dark now you couldn't see past anything except the lights that came from store signs and traffic lights.

Steven sat there, trying to light a cigarette with a shaky hand, but the rain kept putting it out. He felt the tears coming again, and just wished to be anywhere else at that moment. Preferably somewhere warm. Preferably with Slash.

When a car slowed to a stop in front of him he didn't bother to look up. He assumed it was some guy trying to pick him up for a quickie in the back of his car and he wasn't in the mood.

"Steven?" A soft but firm voice pierced the sound of downpour all around him and he finally raised his head. He pushed back my matted soaked hair and blinked away the water in his eyes. The car door open and a figure came around, shielded by an umbrella.

"Ola?" he said.

"Steven Adler what are you doing out here at this time of night in this weather! You are going to freeze to death" Slash's mom picked him up off the curb and pulled him into her long trench coat, rubbing his arms and trying to get some blood pumping back into the shaking limbs. He melted into the warmth. Tears prickling in the corner of his eyes because if anyone has the ability to reduce you to tears, it's a mom.

"Now get your sorry behind in this car immediately" she ushered him into the passenger seat, which he slid into without a word.

When Ola got around into the driver's seat she gave Steven a firm glare but didn't start chewing him out until she cranked the heat and pulled a blanket from the trunk to wrap him in.

"T-thank y-y-you" He stuttered, clinging onto the blanket so hard he thought his frozen fingers would drop off.

"Now do you want to tell me what in god's name possessed you to wander out in the middle of this rain without a jacket? Or proper shoes?" he just looked down at his knees and didn't say anything. He had known Ola for over five years at that point, she knew his family history enough to be able to put two and two together. All the times he came running to their house when his grandma kicked me out. All the times she would leave leftovers for him by the fridge just in case he didn't eat. Keeping extra blankets in Slash's room for him. Always buying two of Slash's christmas presents. Steven knew he didn't have to say anything. She let out a sigh.

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