Kirk Hammett x Dave Mustaine

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 Just in the mood to write more dave x kirk ig loll

There was a hierarchy in any high school. A food chain that was always headed by the rich, popular athlete kids.

No matter what school, no matter what state, it was like a bad teen movie.

Kirk watched from behind his locker as some of the members of the basketball team made their way down the hallway. He didn't have to guess, he recognized their haircuts that cost more than Kirk's car, their stupid team jackets, their overbearing cockiness that radiated off them like thick smoke.

Some of them had girls from the volleyball or cheer team hanging off their arms.

That's one thing Kirk didn't envy. Sure, everything else about them made his gut twist in jealousy. But he was just glad there was no expectation for him to pick one of the pretty cheerleaders to prance around with.

He pushed up his glasses and blushed, thinking about how the actual basketball members themselves were more his type.

His head snapped up at a loud bang, and he turned to see that they had knocked over a kid, leaving them on the floor of the hallway surrounded by their spilled piles of papers.

He squinted to see who the kid was. He looked like he was one of the loner-stoners, as Kirk called them. He watched as one of his friends came over to help him, probably another member of their clique, or someone of similar ranking.

Still above him in the hierarchy, but below the almighty rich kid athletes. It took Kirk awhile to figure out the chain of command and where he fitted into it.

He knew who sat at the top, then came the popular class clowns, the hot ones who got by on their looks, the artists, the musicians, the nerds, the theatre kids, the skaters, the goths, the loners and the band kids.

Sometimes the classes overlapped. Like, the musicians were usually stoner-loners in their own right. You could have a goth who was also hella smart, or a popular class clown who skated or was in band.

Kirk was a part of that multifaceted tier category. Sure, most of his friends were stoners and music kids, but he was also one of the highest grades in his class, he liked to skate too. But his greatest determinant is that he was just quiet. He kept his head down, he was easily forgettable, he let others push him around. If confidence makes or breaks your popularity, he was at the very bottom of the pile.

Once the jocks are out of sight, Kirk slams his locker shut and goes to help out the two kids pick up the rest of their papers. He grabs a few and, on further inspection, they're music sheets. Hm, maybe band kids?

But that thought doesn't last long as the taller of the two whips around with narrowed eyes and snatches the papers from Kirk's hand.

Ah shit.

He should have recognized the hair at least. Dave shoves Kirk back by his chest so the brunette hits the lockers.

"Get the fuck out of here, fag" He says firmly, but Kirk can hear in his voice he's embarrassed Kirk had to see him and his friend (Marty maybe?) get pushed around by the jocks.

Kirk just stares for a moment, people usually didn't take too long to forget he was there anyways. Like he said, confidence makes or breaks your popularity around here, and Dave definitely outranked him in that category.

It didn't always used to be that way. Even if he was just a year ahead of Kirk, Dave and himself used to be at least casual acquaintances back in primary school. Kirk's a senior, already eighteen, but Dave had to make up some credits or something and stayed in school for an extra year. Which only adds to his status. No matter who you were, you showed respect to the elder classmen.

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