James x Jason - Hold Me Close Pt 2

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*A/N: I'm going to be changing the POV now that I decided this is going to be a whole ass story on its own. Same plot line but just 3rd person instead of 1st. Enjoy

Jason didn't mention the previous night's events to James, or anyone as a matter of fact. He watched James during soundcheck that morning, trying to spot any cracks in his armour, but there weren't any. In fact he seemed to be in a relatively good mood. There weren't really any in betweens for James as Jase was starting to learn. Either he was joking with people, laughing and enjoying his music, or he would rip anyone who looked at him apart.

And so the day went on as normal. Other than the fact that both Lars and Kirk were covered in hickeys which got some amused looks shared between James and himself. Makes sense as to why they didn't hear James the previous night then.

It was only after dinner with their managers, as they discussed the end of the tour that was rapidly approaching, that the night before was spoken about.

James caught Jason in the front of the restaurant as everyone was already outside waiting for the cars. He grabbed his arm gently, when he turned around to look at him, he saw something, something that had only been glimpsed in him hours ago, in Jason's bed. Pure vulnerability, mixed with a sense of guilt and shame for the showing said vulnerability. He released the bassist's arm just as fast as he grabbed it and shoved his hands deep inside his jean pockets. His eyes were shifty and his shoulders were raised high.

"What's up?" Jason toed at the ground, pretending he didn't know what he was going to ask about. James cleared his throat and did a quick once over of the area.

"I'm sorry about last night, I get um... nightmares sometimes. They're not a big deal, but um... I'm sorry I woke you up and stuff and um... thanks. You didn't have to do that" He bumped Jason's shoulder with his fist, the hetfield equivalent to a hug.

"Don't worry about it man" It was the most sincere Jason had ever seen James since he had known him, and Jason assumed it would also be the last. He thought the conversation was over but James scratched his head and finally looked at his bandmate, a twinge of hardness came over his eyes.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about it either. My nightmares. It's just... embarrassing you know?" A wall of redness had risen in his face but even so his words made Jason scoff.

"James" he began. But his eyes caught again and the hardness was gone. He really didn't know. He didn't know all those mornings he woke up in his own bed was because someone had put him there. He didn't know his "nightmares" brought him to scream and cry in every hotel every night. He didn't know that the road crew fought about who had to have the rooms closest to James, and that they all had ear plugs just in case it ended up being their turn. He really didn't know. In his eyes he looked like a scared little kid, with a secret he didn't want anyone to know. But also the sadness that radiated off him, the longing for his best friend and the pieces of his heart that remained after he died. He missed Cliff, he missed him so fucking much everyone could see it. And that longing, that sadness, that self hatred, those memories that forced themselves on his exhausted, drunk brain every night, it was killing him. It was tearing him up inside. Jason let his mouth hand open for a few seconds before shutting it again

"Yeah?" James said finally. Jason exhaled a breath and smiled

"I won't tell anyone"


Jason laid in bed that night, staring up at his ceiling, eyebrows pinched and a frown unintentionally on his face.

He was thinking about the end of tour, starting the new album. His first album with Metallica. It would sound like a dream to anyone. But his mind kept drifting. Drifting to the idea of them in a small recording studio, up until the wee hours of the morning, hunched over their instruments, slightly tipsy and laughing as they wrote out riffs and lyric ideas. James and himself. Sitting side by side, jamming new material. An exchanged smile when it sounded just so good. The same smiles he'd shoot Jason when they were on stage, the ones that sent butterflies exploding in his stomach. James leaning forward to tune Jason's bass, his voice quiet because it's so late. Jason makes a joke, James laughs and brushes a strand of blonde hair behind his ear. He look up at him, their eyes lock, his lips look so inviting. It would be so easy, Jason could just lean in, hold his face in his hands-

Jesus christ! What was wrong with me? He sat up in his bed,  skin hot and beading with sweat. This was James he was thinking about, his boss, his lead singer, the guy who had spiked his coffee with hotsauce almost every morning he had known him.

He rolled over and groaned, trying to ignore the aching in his crotch. he had told himself before he had even auditioned for Metallica that the guys would never find out about Jason's bisexuality. At first because he thought it would prevent him from getting the job, but now simply out of fear. He wasn't sure why, clearly Kirk and Lars were macking up on each other, but something in his gut still twisted when he thought about telling them. It hadn't actually been all that difficult, hell he partook in groupie sharing just as much as the other guys. But now he was having fantasies about James? Fucking hell, pull yourself together Newsted.

Instead he rolled his head to the side, towards the door, and listened. It was pretty late, past 12 at least and he was yet to hear any peep from James. His room was down the hall, yes, but Jason would still be able to hear him. Maybe waking up in his bed scared him enough to lay off the booze for a night. He chuckled to myself at this. Must have been terrifying for the mighty hetfield to wake up in the arms of the new kid.

With that, he tried to shut his eyes and let himself sleep, lord knows he didn't get enough last night. But the throbbing in his dick still pushed against the bed sheets was irritating, so he rolled over and began to jerk off.

He shut his eyes and tried to think about something that would get him off faster. He hadn't full out fucked a groupie since he had been with the band. Hell, he hadn't gotten laid at all in months. Not exactly the life you'd expect from a travelling rock star. So instead his mind drifted to the memory from a few nights ago, when he walked in on Lars fucking a groupie on the bus. He saw gleam of the sweat of the girl's skin, the way her back arched, her fingers clutching Lars's hair, her desperate moans. His hand began to pick up speed. He could see the toss of her blonde hair. The way her blue eyes rolled back in pleasure. Her thighs wrapped around lars's hips, the muscles of her back. Wait. His mind began to wander again, his brain started picturing James face, his body, his voice. He was being held down and fucked, not the girl. Jason wanted to stop, to shut his mind off, but the way his dick twitched at the thoughts made him hesitate.

He could see hands holding him down, James begging for more, his voice cracked. His blonde hair sticking to  his skin, his kiss bruised lips, his heavy eyes. The way his thighs were parted, the red and purple love bites that scattered his neck. The marks that said mine. God how Jason wished he could be the one to put them there.

Then suddenly it wasn't Lars in the bed, it was him. He grabbed and pinned James's wrists, feeling his hips buck, screaming for more. He wanted James to scream his name, to hear his voice broken and panting, completely at his mercy.

A small groan escaped his lips, a blush of shame creeping into his cheeks.

He felt James around him, hot, tight, wet. A moan bubbled out of him as James followed his thrusts, eyes closed in pleasure.

"Harder, Jase" he hears him say. Yes. harder. For you, all for you. Anything for you.

He sinks his nails into James's hips and thrusts harder, the cry that James lets out is fucking gorgeous. He holds his hips in place, his curls are sticking to his neck, there's sweat beading on his forehead. The tips of his hair just brush over James's chest, moving with him. He leaned down and kisses said chest. His tongue circles his nipples, drawing a long moan from the singer. His mouth moves up to his neck and sinks down in a claiming bite. Mine.

That's all it takes for Jason to finally come and suddenly he's back in his bed, alone. He comes all over his hand and he throws his head back in ecstasy.

Fuck. What's wrong with me?

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