Duff Mckagan x Steven Adler - My Shelter

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Each of the guys of Guns n roses had their own stategies for picking up girls. It wasn't too hard to pick up on after a while. Once they got some booze into them, which was always, their distinct pickup lines and attempts to woo whatever chicks we happen to be hanging around that night came out.

That's what I was doing as we sat in the basement of the two bit frat house we were partying in. The show tonight was at some bar, I couldn't remember the name already. One of the guys we met there had invited us back to his house with the promise of booze, drugs and women. The three things we could never say no to. He made good on his promise, as it seemed like half of the bar had followed us to this kids house. There were women galore, which suited Axl, Slash and Izzy just fine.

Axl was always the most brave with his flirting. A lot of touching, little whispers and paired with his signature axl smile. If it was put up to a race, Axl would be far ahead of the other guys. Next there was Izzy, Izzy wasn't bold like Axl was, at least not in the same way. Izzy was a good listener, we all knew that from personal experience, but he liked to let the girls talk. He was kind and calm and almost, dare I say, suave. He was the kind of guy who emmitted a mysterious and perhaps dangerous stranger energy. The kind that drew the girls in, peaking their interest and making them want to learn more, see more, hear more.

Finally there was Slash. Slash, for all intensive purposes, was a dork. He wasn't as bold as Axl, nor as smooth as Izzy. However Slash managed to talk a girl into bed was a miracle. That's not necessarily true, he was a guitar god of course, and by far the buffest junkie you'd ever meet (Sorry Slash). So any girl willing to put up with his awkwardness, slurred drunk talk and bad flirting was more than welcome to partake.

I was glad I didn't have to do that anymore, to flirt with random girls at random parties in hopes I could talk one into coming back to my apartment with me.

I squeezed my arm tighter around Steven, his fingers still intertwined with mine resting over his shoulder. He turned to smile at me, his bright blonde mop of hair brushing across my cheek. I smiled at my boyfriend and kissed him quickly on the lips, only momentarily pulling him away from the conversation he was entrenched in with another bar patron on the other couch.

It had been about four months since stevie and I had first hooked up, long nights travelling to shithole bars to play for fifty people every night drove you a little crazy after a while, so you can't really blame us for finding comfort in each other. 

It took a while for us to be able to come to termes with the fact that it was more than just sex, even longer after that to be able to tell the rest of the guys. As progressive as Hollywood was, part of us knew a major record label would be hesitant to sign a band with a gay couple in it. Axl made us very aware of that. He was the one who came up with the rule that, on stage, in interviews and anyware there were cameras, steven and I had to stay as far away from each other as possible.

As much as it sucked sometimes, the secrecy made it kind of exciting. Even so, moments like these, where we could just sit and be ourselves and not have to worry about who saw us, it was my heaven.

"Duff" I looked up at my name being called from across the crowded room. Axl pushed his way towards us, holding an unlit blunt between his fingers.

"Wanna sesh?" he asked me.

"Oh hell yeah" I was pining for a good hit "I'll be back, baby" I kissed Steven on his temple as I pulled away. Axl scrunched up his nose as a little "ew", for which he earned a smack upside the head from me

"Let's go asshole" We walked out onto the backyard patio. We sat on a few of the fold out deck chairs that looked like they hadn't been cleaned or moved since 1963 and began to smoke up. Axl lit the blunt and took the first hit, then passed it to me.

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