Chapter Ten - Will's POV

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Finally, I'm marrying the woman of my dreams.

Good Lord, I have been controlling the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her senseless the day she started working for me. Now that I have her now, staring at her face as she peacefully slept at my bed in my private jet, I couldn't help but smile and give a small prayer of thanks to the Higher Being.

Will lay next to Elizabeth, carefully as not to wake her up, because he knew how much she needed this rest as he thought about the happenings a few hours ago.

"Yes, Will. I'll marry you." Will looked at her and for the first time in his whole 34 years of existence, he was rendered speechless. Will cannot speak even though he wanted to shout and tell everyone how happy he was, that finally, Elizabeth Gardiner agreed to marry him!

Instead, Will let out a short statement, while controlling his voice and schooling his facial expression.

"Alright then, we will marry in Vegas."

Will knew it's cliche, but he cannot think of anything where in the Philippines can he marry this woman either tonight or tomorrow... There are way too many documents that they needed to accomplish first before they can be allowed to marry.

If you're being honest with yourself, you just want to marry her before she changes or regrets her decision.

It was all a blur when they left the party. It was when they were inside the car, that he felt Elizabeth's sadness and how she tried to keep the tears at bay.

"I no longer have anyone now," Elizabeth said absentmindedly. Will cannot let her think of that way and he immediately pulled her to his arms, her head resting on his chest.

"You have me, Lizzy. You will never be alone." Will said and sweetly kissed her temple and even tightened his hold on her just in case she tries to pull away from him.

They stayed in that position as they reached her apartment, then he tapped her shoulder lightly, so she slightly drew away.

"We're here in your apartment. Just get your essentials and passport then we'll head to Pemberley. Do you want me to come with you?" Will asked, but Elizabeth declined.

After Elizabeth went out of the car, Will had to call Georgiana and Mrs. Reynolds to inform them of his sudden wedding with Elizabeth.

"What! You're marrying Lizzy?? How?" Georgiana all but shouts on the phone, while he can hear Mrs. Reynolds asking Betsy's assistance on packing his luggage.

"Gi, I cannot tell you right now. It's a long story. Rest assured that I first asked her to marry me and she answered yes." Will heard Georgiana's unladylike snort on the other line.

"Oh please, Will! I knew Lizzy! I don't think she likes you enough or is even attracted to you in the first place, which is enough for her to agree on marrying you..." Will can feel a growing headache, but his sister won't shut up.
"...What I meant is I told her that I don't like girls who are befriending me just so I can put in a good word for them to you. Lizzy told me that you're not her type and that her relationship with you is strictly professional and that I need not worry about you and her being more than an employer and employee. But now that you're marrying her, I think I have gotten her wrong." Will can hear the disappointment in Georgiana's tone.

Oh no. I had to correct her.

"Listen, Georgiana, you did not get Lizzy wrong. What we have is a professional relationship, really. It's just that I had to marry and Lizzy's helping me out. You know about the clause in the will, right? That's the reason why. Please don't think ill of Lizzy, she's not like the other girls. Trust me, Giana."

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