Chapter Thirteen - Elizabeth's POV

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They ended up eating in this chicken wings and burgers with milkshake cafe, just a good 10 minute walk from their hotel.

"So, what are you like as a teenager, Lizzy?" Will asked as he took a bite of his burger and Elizabeth took a sip from her chocolate milkshake before answering him.

"Well, I'm quiet. I read a lot and study. I have friends but I don't really go out." Will swallowed his food before he spoke.

"Are boarding school rules really that strict?" Elizabeth laughed.

"Well, yes. Since we are staying on the dorms we have to abide by the rules, you know, curfew hours and the like. I didn't want to do a lot of work, which would be given if I commit one misdemeanor, because I only get to go home during holiday breaks and I really wanted to spend it with my family." Elizabeth's tone starts to sound emotional and Will wanted to smack himself.

Quick, think of something to share, Will!

"I'm sure you are a good and well behaved girl, Lizzy. But I fear that I am the opposite. I always get in trouble. Believe me when I say that I almost got expelled!" At this, Will saw Elizabeth's face lighten and she let out a giggle.

"Just what did the super perfectionist William Darcy did?" Will raised an arched brow and Elizabeth's smile deepened.

"Well, a couple of pranks that went out of hand, but don't worry, it didn't hurt anyone. Just annoyed a lot of people." Elizabeth laughed.

"What infamous pranks did you do, Will?" Elizabeth's eyes were all lit up and Will found this expression of hers so endearing.

Will put his hand under his chin, stroking his skin there.

"Well, there is this one time that we pranked Anne that somebody had a crush on her. So Richard wrote the letters and sent her those flowers." Elizabeth's face was horrified.

"Oh my gosh! How can you do that to Anne?! Meanies!" Will held up his hands.

"Yeah, it is. But I swear it was Richard's idea and well, looked how that turned out." Will playfully smiled and Elizabeth stared at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Elizabeth smiled.

"No, I'm just trying to reconcile the prankster Will and the Will that I have as a boss now." Will held his hands up.

"Well, I had to grow up." Elizabeth nodded and she could see how Will's face take a somber and serious expression.

"I had to manage all of it at the age of 25, when my parents died. True, I managed to have it in control. My father knew that I was born for the business, he groomed me for it. Instead of feeling lonely, I surprisingly loved being in control of the company that has been in the family line for decades." Will managed a small smile to which Elizabeth responded to.

"Yes you did. You've managed it quite well over the past 10 years." Elizabeth smiled reassuringly."It was really good for the business. But to both be a father and a brother figure for Georgiana? Well, I admittedly failed in that regard." Will's eyes darted downwards and Elizabeth remained silent for she does not know what to do.

Do I ask him about it? Do I hug him? What should a wife do when her husband tells her something like this?

However, before Elizabeth could decide what to do, Will looked up and he took her hand.

"Let's go back to our room." Elizabeth nodded. They left money enough to cover the bill and they went out.

Once outside, Will pulled Elizabeth to his side and they walked together. For a while, neither of them spoke about anything, both lost in their own thoughts. When they reached their room, Will grabbed Elizabeth's bathrobe and she went directly to the bathroom. After taking her shower, Elizabeth went out and Will pecked her in the lips before he went it.

As Will was busy showering, Elizabeth started getting dressed in her pajamas and laid on the bed, looking at Will's shirt sprawled on the sheets.

He really left it here, huh?

When Will went out, Elizabeth busied herself with her phone but she couldn't help but stare as Will turned his back on her as he was putting on his shirt, she swallowed as she felt her hands are itching to touch from the back of his neck to his exposed broad and muscular back.

Stop these thoughts, Lizzy!

Admonishing herself on her mind, Elizabeth looked at her phone again and remembered something she wanted to ask Will.

"Will, what you said a few minutes ago... about failing Georgiana... do you want to talk about it?" Will faced her as he was clothed and saw Lizzy fidgeting.

"Of course, I can tell you all about that. But are you sure you're not at all tired from all the chit-chat we've been doing?" Will's tone soften and Elizabeth could see the concern on his face.

So do I still push him to talk about it? Or do we just talk about it tomorrow?

Before she said something, Will yawned.

"Let's call it a night, Will. Let's sleep for now." Elizabeth smiled and Will only nodded. She left Will pulled her into his arms as they lay to sleep next to each other.

After all, we all have the time in the world to discuss a lot of things. 

It was Elizabeth's last thoughts as she drifted to sleep in Will's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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