Chapter Two - Will's POV

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Will Darcy slammed the door of his office. How he hated his scheming and manipulative godfather! He is forever bugging Will to get married fast. Will sat down on his swiveling chair as he arranged the files on his table.

My son, William James Darcy has to be married on or before his 35th birthday to a woman of his choosing or lose the company to his godfather and my good friend, Mr. David Wickham.

He had always hated that condition in his father's will. He had enough problems to concern himself with regards to the company that needs his attention, but he has to prioritize this since he turns 35 in just a week. Then there was this event that he has to attend later.


As if that problem isn't enough, he has to find out that his secretary has been betraying him and the company by leaking information regarding their latest campaigns!

He turned to look at his secretary's desk through the glass of his office. Elizabeth is sitting there, one hand grasping the telephone, the other taking down notes, while she grapples for an excuse - because he asked her to cancel all of his appointments for the rest of the day and reschedule them.

He never thought that she could betray him. Looking at her now, with her brown and wavy waist-length hair, slim figure, pink lips, and pale skin - her formal clothes and flat shoes and her innocent big brown eyes which he doesn't always see because she was always looking down.

Maybe that's the reason why she can't look at him, why she trembles when he touches her - because she's guilty of something. And it hurts. Because underneath his strict demeanor that scares her, Will likes Elizabeth.

'She has to pay for this.' Just as he thought of this, his mind flashed back to the contract as he watched her collect her purse and retouch her lipstick. Those lips that he longed to kiss ever since she started working for him.

He smirked. 'I can make her my wife.' He stood up and went out of his office. He watched her face but she's looking down at the floor.

"Let's eat lunch together." It was not a question anyway. He strode forward, she was trying to catch up with him and internally, he's laughing but kept his face neutral.

Then he asked her if she was able to talk to his clients about the cancelation of his meetings with them for today. To which she replied that they were rescheduled.

"Good. Now we can talk." He felt Elizabeth reached his side and looked at him. Finally, she looked at him directly, he can see curiosity and well fear in those brown eyes of hers.

"Talk about what sir?" He didn't miss that slight tremor in her voice, but he didn't answer her right away.

He motioned for her to get inside the lift first.

"About what my godfather wanted to talk about in the meeting awhile ago." She was still staring at him and he wanted to get lost in those eyes, but he sighed instead while he waited until they reached the basement where his limo is waiting for them.

"We'll talk about it in the resto later as we are eating."

Elizabeth just nodded and followed as he walked to the car. Being a gentleman, he ushered her to go first, lavender scent flowing over him as she leaned to go inside the limo and he followed her.

'This is going to be a long ride.' He thought as he watched her fidget with her hands and a loose thread on her jacket.

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