Chapter Five - Elizabeth's POV

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Elizabeth closed the door of her condominium and collapsed on her couch.

"What did I just got myself into??? Oh gosh, Liz!!!" Elizabeth muttered to herself while trying to recall what happened this afternoon.

Will kissed me. He bit my lip. I kissed him back.

Elizabeth's cheeks are starting to warm, it was her first kiss. She has never been kissed by any man!

Having been an introvert for most of her childhood and also the middle child, Elizabeth buried herself in books. She may not be the most beautiful (like Jane), or the most athletic (like Lydia), she considers herself to be the smartest one among the three of them.

But you're not that smart as you think you are, right? Now, look at what happened and what you're going to pay in order to clean this mess that you're in.

So Will knew all about her identity - that she is Elizabeth Gardiner, one of the three daughters of Mr. Andrew Gardiner. The daughter of his top competitor in the business world.

"I can't eat with this bothering me. I'm really sorry, Mr. Darcy. I will make amends! I will do anything. Please!" Elizabeth looked pleadingly at Will, her anxiety rising.

"You will do anything? Alright. Listen." This time, Will looked at her seriously, his blue eyes boring into her brown ones. Elizabeth chewed on her lip nervously and she saw how Will's eyes darted down on them.

Fearing he might kiss her and her reaction if he should, Elizabeth blurted out.

"I will work for you for free in return, Mr. Darcy! You do not need to pay for my services." At this, Will looked dangerously at her.

"Do you think I am a fool? Why would I let a mousy girl like you stay at the office? So you can leak more of the company's confidential information to your father? No, I will fire you." Elizabeth's mouth opened in shock, but before she can say anything, Will continued.

"You should eat first before we have this conversation, Elizabeth."

Seeing how Will's facial expression turned from angry to calm, Elizabeth obeyed and helped herself to some carbonara pasta. As she ate, she tried her best to ignore Will's stare at her. When Elizabeth was done eating, she looked at Will.

"I'm done eating, sir." Will raised an eyebrow at this. Instead of immediately commenting, he drew her close by putting his left hand to her back and pushing her to him. Their faces almost a few inches apart.

"So you said, you'll do anything. Right?" Elizabeth couldn't help but look directly on his black eyes, his face was too close to hers, and she can smell his manly scent.

Feeling dizzy by his closeness and not trusting herself to speak, Elizabeth only nodded.

"Marry me, then."

It took a while before the words hit her and the understanding of what he's asking of her.

"No, anything but that. I can't marry you."

Elizabeth saw how Will's eyes changed. That look he's giving her now should make her fear him more than ever. She knew him well enough to know that he didn't take any rejection. Elizabeth started to shake.

"You can't say no to me, Lizzy. You're marrying me. I will not be taking your no for an answer." Will looked like he's about to lose it.

Elizabeth bowed her head and tried to stop herself from shaking. Her tears threatening to fall, but she couldn't help herself. In a very calm voice, Elizabeth said.

"It's no. I said no, Mr. Darcy..." Here, she bravely looked up to Will.

"Press charges, do whatever you think is right, but I won't marry you. I'm sure my father will bail me out."

Will hit the table hard, causing Elizabeth to jump slightly from her seat.

"I WON'T TAKE A NO FOR AN ANSWER! Do you hear me?? Alright, if you want to play this cat and mouse game, we'll play it,"

Will stood up from his seat.

"You don't have to come back to the office, I'll see you at the event later."

Without waiting for Elizabeth to reply, Will paid for their meal and left Elizabeth alone in the restaurant. 

A few minutes after Will left, Elizabeth hailed a cab and went home to her condo.

"You can't marry him, Liz! Even if you found him attractive and all, he's an asshole! He is rude! He is with a different woman every night! He is basically a walking STD guy!" Elizabeth muttered angrily at herself, her tears threatening to fall.

Ugh!! How will I tell papa what happened? He will be disappointed in me again.

Elizabeth stared visibly at the window of her condo.

What will I do now?

Suddenly, Elizabeth's attention was roused by someone ringing her doorbell. She sat on the couch, her heart beating so fast.

Who could it be? Can it be???

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Well, let's see who it is.

Not bothering to look at the keyhole, Elizabeth opened her door and came face to face with Will, who's already looking handsome in his tuxedo. On his right hand, Will is holding a garment bag for the gown.

"Aren't you going to let me in, Miss Gardiner?" Will mockingly asked while Elizabeth debated internally whether to let him in or shut the door to his face.

Calm down, Lizzy.

Elizabeth stepped aside and Will smirked as he got inside of her condo, with Elizabeth shutting the door behind her.

This day is far from over.

Will's tuxedo and Elizabeth's dress:

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