Chapter 7 - Messages

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Before you all tell me you hate me (that is if people are still reading this sorry /silently sobs/), it's been really hard to know where to continue from my last point. I've been conjuring up new plots I'd like to put in motion and I also want to hear what my viewers want(: if you have any ideas you'd like to see implemented, comment!

Please don't forget to vote<3


Unlocking the door, I flounce into the front room. For some reason, I can't stop smiling. It's like I've been infected with a bug that radiates happiness. Obviously, Kian picks up on this immediately, which is an achievement for someone who's usually so ignorant to the events happening around him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks, his brow knitting into a frown.

"Well...this is what you would call a smile Kian. People do it when they're happy." I retort, throwing my bag onto the kitchen counter. My fingers fold around the tiny piece of paper and I beam once again.

"Oh. It looked like you had wind or something." Kian replied, leaning back on the couch and putting his feet on the coffee table, controller clasped in his hands.

I glower at him. "Very funny. I don't understand how you're not a comedian." I snap back sarcastically. Kian half-smirks at me, mostly because he knows I hate it when he does that. I choose to ignore him and retrieve my phone from my bag. Should I text him right away or would that seem too eager? I don't want it to look like I'm desperate for his attention. But then again, he won't have my number until I either text or call him anyway, so I can't exactly wait for him to be the first to break the silence. What the heck.

'Hey, found your number. Text me back if you'd like me to return it :P'


Was the face too much? Oh well, can't do much about it now. I drum my fingernails on the sideboard and stare at my phone for a good few seconds. No Riley, don't you dare turn into one of those girls that sits by the phone for hours and hours waiting for him to get back to you. Don't you dare.

I sigh and move away from the sideboard - and the mobile - joining Kian on the couch. I slap his feet and he rolls his eyes, lazily moving them from the glass panel of the coffee table.

"We don't buy things for you to put your feet on!" Kian mimics what I always scold him with and I scowl back at him.

"You are so not on my Christmas card list for this year now." I threaten and fold my arms, turning to the television. He grabs my arm mockingly and shakes me, pretending to sob.

"Not the Christmas card list! Anything but that!" Kian releases me after I tug away and let's out a melodic laugh.

"I'm hating on you so much right now." I state.

"Haters gonna hate, hate, hate." He sings back to me. I lunge forwards and hit a button on his controller and a 'game over' screen pops up. Kian lets out the girliest scream I have ever witnessed and presses his face into a cushion. I take this moment to leave the room whilst he recovers from the loss of his video game, numerous wails sounding from the living room. I  shake my head, snatching up my phone as I walk towards my bedroom.


Clicking my phone on, the screen instantly illuminates my face.


A smile big enough to crack my face in two appears and my heart flutters, to the point where I feel sick. After pausing for a few seconds, I slide my finger across the screen and it redirects me to my messages. It's from him. I never knew I could get so excited over some weirdo in a park giving me his number. Get it together Riley.

'Aw, it seems happier with you. You'd better keep it;)'

I laugh, somehow imagining him saying something like this. I instantly find myself sending one back.

'Okay, if you insist. But why me?'

His reply is quick, and I hear the ding of my phone go off.

'Why wouldn't it be you?'

I blush and bite my lip. I had always been the lone wolf, only interested in living their life and nobody else's. I guess that's why I spend every Valentine's Day alone watching Netflix and binge eating.

Just then, I hear Kian shout my name from the kitchen. I sigh and pad out of my room to find him and two of his friends stacking pizza boxes.

"Hey Joe, Matt." I tilt my head in their direction and they muffle greetings. Joe's eyes travel up my body and I try to shrug off the uncomfortable vibe he was giving me.

"Riles, which pizza do you want?" Kian's voice dominated the room as he laid out four boxes. Pepperoni, Hawaiian, Margherita and BBQ Chicken. "Do I even need to ask?" He raised his eyebrows and thrust the Hawaiian towards me. "I knew you'd end up wanting some, so I got you your favourite just in case." I gratefully accepted the box and grinned at him. "Although, after ending my game so brutally, you don't exactly deserve my kindness right now." I stuck my tongue out and went to the couch. Switching on the television, the news flashed up. Still no closer to catching the murderer.

I felt a pair of eyes on me. Joe was staring at where I was, yet as I challenged his gaze, he dropped his own and busied himself with getting drinks. There was something strange about that boy. I could feel it. Matt was a lot easier to be around, and probably was the only person that had stood being friends with Kian without going clinically insane. He was the one to sit next to me whilst the others where messing around in the kitchen with plates.

"Horrible isn't it? Good thing you have us to look out for you." Matt laughed and lightly punched my arm. I

"More like I'm protecting you. You're not seriously suggesting that you would risk your own life instead of hiding behind me?" I counter.

"Haha, hilarious." He replies sarcastically, and I giggle, ruffling his hair. Matt was probably my favourite out of Kian's friends, I'll admit. We bounce off of one another without being directly offensive.

I place the pizza box down and go to my room, grabbing my phone and returning back to my seat. I'd forgotten to ask a very important question.

Sliding up my messages, I punched in the words.

'Wait, you never told me. How did you know my name in the alley?'

A reply was almost instantaneous.

'I know lots of things Riley. Enjoy your pizza;)'

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