Chapter 2 - Spread The Love

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Sorry for the short and boring chapter, but we're just starting to bring drama into the story! Uploads will be slow, as I have my last few exams next week, so I apologise. Please vote/comment for more!


"Damn Kian! What have I told you about keeping the apartment clean?!" I say for what feels like the millionth time. I slide my purse onto the island worktop in the kitchen and glance around the place I'd once called home. Now it looks more like a bomb site. Kian flung himself onto the sofa just opposite the kitchen. I shook my head at him disapprovingly and he gave me a cheeky, apologetic smile.

"I forgot to mention that I invited some friends over before I went out. Sorry." He grunted, his attention focused on the TV as he flicked through the channels.

"Well, I'm going for a shower. When I come back in here, I expect it to be spotless." I say, patting his shoulder as I walk past him. Kian didn't respond, his concentration placed solely on the television. I knew for a fact that my demand wouldn't register, but a woman can only hope. At least tomorrow I'd get a lie-in. Sunday was the only day I got off of work, and I cherished that precious free time I had. The office was always shut on the last day of the week, but unfortunately, practically everything else was too.


Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel hanging from the rack and proceeded to wrap it around my hair. It was only as my eyes rose to go and reach for another towel did I see what was in front of me. The mirror was steamed up from the heat of the shower, but a drawing had rubbed away some of the condensation. The drawing of a heart. Goosebumps rose along my skin and my own heart dropped. But then I let out a sigh, realising it was probably just Kian playing a stupid joke on me it was expectant, because Kian was very childlike in his humour. I wrapped the second towel around my body. As I looked back at the mirror for clarification, it had cleared of any residue. Glowering, I climbed out of the shower and glanced in the living room on my way down the hall. Kian was passed out on the couch, snoring as the TV played adverts in the background. Well, whatever. The bathroom incident was probably my imagination anyway. I hadn't been sleeping well recently after all. Opening the door that lead to my bedroom, I pulled on some pyjamas, dried my hair and fixed it into a ponytail. I went back into the lounge and the TV showed a live news report. Another girl had been murdered in the same way as the first. Her name was Hayley Abel. "Shit..." I murmured, recognising the name. "Kian, wake up!" I shook him urgently and he groaned in protest.

"What?" came his sleepy drawl, wiping his tired eyes with the back of his hand. He always sounded so helpless when you woke him, like he didn't know what year it was.

"That's the girl...from Jeff's...the waitress." I stammer. Kian fell silent, listening intently to the report.

"My god..." Kian finally commented, sitting up straight.

"She served me coffee only a few hours ago." I say in disbelief.

"'s a small world." Kian had a shocked expression, switching the TV off as the report ended. That was it. I charged towards where the keys were and locked the front door, sliding the extra bolts available across. Kian let out a little laugh and I rounded on him.

"Riley, out of everyone in the city of London, do you really think we're on Mr. Psycho's checklist? Chill out."

"Chill out?! For fuck's sake Kian, when are you going to understand that you aren't invincible? A girl has just been murdered who worked only next door. She probably didn't even know the guy from any other person in the crowd. Quite frankly, I won't be taking my chances." I snap and then I remember something. "Oh, did you come into the bathroom whilst I was showering?" I asked, knowing there was a curtain so I wouldn't have been able to see him anyway.

"Ew, no." He scrunches his face up and I place my hand on my hip. "Why?"

"I'm bad, but I'm not that bad." I say, feigning offence. He chuckled. "And never mind...maybe I'm just going insane."

"Nah, you're beautiful. I've just known you way too long to think of you in that sense. As for being insane, tell me something I don't know." He said with a wink,  standing up and scooting past me to his own room. It was true, he was more like an annoying little brother to me.

"Hey, wait! You haven't even made an attempt to clean up!" I call after him, but all I hear is the click of the door behind him. Rolling my eyes, I proceed to pick up all of the beer cans and takeaway boxes. You might've won this one Kian, but just you wait.

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