Chapter 6 - Call Me

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I'm sorry for how long this has taken me to upload! These will take a while I'm afraid, as my muse is dwindling and I have just begun college. Thank you for understanding and enjoy this chapter. Please vote/comment!


"Kian! Would you please get the phone?" I shout over the incessant ringing. After I hear no response, I crack open an eyelid unwillingly and the light floods my brain. I wince and stagger from my bed, grumbling. I wish that boy would listen to me. I'd only napped because he'd been insistent that I needed more sleep after this morning's discovery. I hadn't wanted to, but whilst Kian might be cloth-eared when it comes to asking him a favour, he is very persuasive.

I relent, snatching up my mobile from the sideboard. I am still annoyed as I answer.

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone with an attitude attached to every letter that rolls from my tongue.

"Oh, sorry. Is this a bad time to call?" responds the meek voice at the other end. My eyes brighten and I smile.

"No, no. Of course not, Jas! I'm always happy to hear from you." I say, trying to hide my excitement at her random call.

You see, Jasmine has been my best friend for around eight years now, and we've always been very close. Although, this past year has tested our friendship, as Jasmine has been completely taken over by parenthood. Having given birth to her little boy, Callum, I've hardly seen her - which is why I gave up on my social life. I suppose babies do that to you. I shudder at the thought.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I just wanted to ask if you'd be up for coming to the park with me and Callum? It's about time we got out of the house for a little while. He's driving me insane." She says, the relief in her tone apparent.

"Sure I can. I'll just make sure I don't need to call a babysitter for Kian first." I grumble, ducking my head around the wall to find Kian playing one of the many video games in his collection. If you could see him now, you wouldn't believe that he's nineteen. He still acts like he's ten.

I hear Jasmine chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"You still live with him?" She inquires.

Jasmine knows how frustrating Kian can be, always telling me that she's glad to have her house to herself. I will admit that I'm jealous of her lifestyle. She lives in a beautiful house in a lovely neighbourhood. She broke up with Callum's dad before she found out that she was pregnant, so she doesn't commit to a relationship either. It's just her and Callum against the world. How I wish I had that.

"Unfortunately I do." I say, and I hear her giggle again.

"Anyway, if you're up for it, I'll see you at two this afternoon. Is that okay?"

"Perfect." I smile into the call and she says her goodbyes and hangs up. I hold the phone momentarily against my ear before pressing the end button. It makes me realise how much I've missed social interaction outside of this apartment.


The afternoon slowly rolls around, and the only amusement I have had whilst waiting is watching Kian obsess over his video game and shout profanities at the screen. Rolling my eyes, I flicker them to the clock on the wall. I have half an hour. Sighing, I peel myself from the sofa and traipse into my room. I slide open the wardrobe and lift out a casual dress. I slip it on and press my feet into some small black heels. I shrug on a jacket and head back into the living room.

I slide my keys from the worktop, dropping them into my jacket pocket.

"Where are you going?" Kian's voice rings in my ears. I look over my shoulder at him. He wasn't even looking at me, his eyes transfixed on the television.

"The park. I'm meeting someone." I simply say, advancing towards the door.

"Okay, but make sure you don't run into that maniac!" He laughs, a smirk adorning his alabaster skin.

My heart plummets slightly at his comment, quickening at the realisation of his words. He is talking about the man that had escaped the institution and killed those two women.

"Don't talk like that!" I snap at him and wrench open the door. The reply seems to have gone completely unnoticed as he continues to mash the buttons on his controller. I shake my head and click the door closed.


The park isn't packed with people surprisingly. I walk along the cobbled pathway, framed with trees. I slide onto a wooden bench and pull out my phone from my bag. Sending a quick text to Jasmine to notify me of her whereabouts, I don't even realise the figure as it looms over me.

Finally looking up, I stare at the man in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask nonchalantly, glancing quickly back at my phone. I hear him exhale with a little laugh.

"You don't remember me? Wow, you have a short memory." His eyes are playful as they dance in front of me. And then his face slots into place. It was the man that had pulled me back from face planting the floor. I sheepishly smile, feeling embarrassed.

"Aw, don't blush sweetheart. Mistakes happen." He grins and sits down next to me, elbows resting on his knees as he leans forwards.

"So..." I begin, not knowing how to break the silence. The man seems comfortable though and slips his hand into his pocket, fishing out a small cardboard box. Cigarettes. He puts it into his mouth and covers the lighter to deflect the wind. It ignites and he drops it back into his pocket. He looks back at me and takes it from his mouth, blowing the smoke into the breeze. I wrinkle my nose and he smirks.

"Not a smoker, huh?" The man teases and I scoff.

"Of course not. I don't drink either." I say, not sure why I am giving information to him about myself. He was the creepy one that had approached her after all.

"You don't know what you're missing out on darlin'." He laughed, and I feel drawn in as he lets out that beautiful sound. I have never heard anything like it, and it enthrals me instantly.

"I'll pass thank you. I have no intentions to die any sooner than I am supposed to." I watch as the tendrils of smoke weave through the air and evaporate. It's movement is entrancing, but yet the effects are deadly.

"Nobody knows when they're going to die. So why not enjoy it whilst you've still got today? Tomorrow isn't promised to you, even if you're the healthiest you can be." He doesn't meet my eyes as he speaks. "Sucks right?" A small laugh erupts from him as he tries to lighten the atmosphere of his dark statement, but there are no traces of real amusement.

"Wait a're talking to me yet you haven't even introduced yourself?" I say.

"My name...?" He pauses, brow furrowing.

"You really need to think about that one? I'm sure it's not the hardest question you've ever come across." I am shocked at how rude I must sound, and I begin to apologise. He holds a finger to my lips.

"Alright smartass. It's Lukas formally." He chuckles and lets his hand fall. I sense a change as he shifts his body, and before I know it, he's standing over me again. He blows smoke into my face and smirks.

"But it's Luke to you."

And then he's gone, putting his cigarette out on a metal dish on top of a bin. His stride is confident and swaggered. I cough from the smoke, waving my hand to dismiss it. When I look back, he's gone. Disappeared into the distance of the park. I sigh and look at my phone, sliding the bar to unlock it. A new message. I open it and groan. Jasmine.

'Sorry I couldn't make it! Callum was sick :( xx'

I shoot back a reply, disappointment crossing my face.

'No worries. Hope he's better soon xx'

I put my phone into my bag, which had been open, and my fingers find a crumpled piece of paper. Frowning, I pull it out and unfold it. A phone number is scrawled onto it. I turn it over and read a message scrawled on it.

'Call me :P -Luke x'

I smile at his devious - but smooth - move. He'd seen the opportunity and snatched at it. I glance at where I'd last seen him walking towards the park gates and my heart flutters in my chest. At least my trip to the park hadn't been a complete waste of time.

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