Chapter 3 - Don't Talk To Strangers, Kids

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Sorry for late updates. Exams are coming to an end, so updates will be quicker. I'm struggling to write the first parts of this, but I'm hoping when the drama hits, things will be easier and flow better. Thanks for reading and please vote/comment! I love you(:


I wake to the early morning dusk filtering through the thin curtains. Groaning, I grasp at my phone and read the digits on the home screen. Seven in the morning. "Are you serious?! What do I have to do to get a lie-in around here..." I grumble, knowing that now I'm awake, I'm probably not going to get to sleep again. Pressing my feet onto the cold floor, I traipse into the kitchen. Flicking the kettle, I hear the low rumble of the water boiling as I pull out a cup from the overhead cupboard. My eyes catch the object in my peripheral vision. A little black book. I drag my tired body over to it, flipping the pages open. Just a tiny peek can't hurt.



Each page is filled with small sketches of hearts.

I frown. It reminds me of the mirror incident that happened only last night. Kian had mentioned that he'd brought some friends over yesterday, so maybe it belonged to one of them? I shut the book and go back to the kettle as it clicks, signalling it's completion. Pouring the water into the cup, I reset the kettle and brought the milk from the fridge. But something smelt odd about it. Upon inspection, I realise that it has gone off. Disgusting. I'd told Kian to get some on his way home yesterday before I went out to work! Seems as though I'd been heard by deaf ears. Rolling my eyes, I went back to my room and got dressed. I remember to pick up my keys for the door, unbolting it and locking it securely behind me. I make a mental note to avoid going in the direction of Jeff's.

As it is early, the streets are undisturbed and lie dormant. It isn't completely bright in the premature morning, but it is enough to prevent walking in pitch black. Fog clouds around the houses as I walk my lonely route to the nearest convenience store. Striding toward an alley, a person rounds the corner, his eyes cast downward, watching his every footstep. His gait was aggressive and quick, and I move warily to the safety of the wall as I continue my journey. Concentration is etched on his face and his eyebrows knit together as he bit his lower lip. Deep lines scour his forehead as he frowns to himself.

Suddenly, his head snaps up, glassy orbs boring into mine as he holds eye contact with me. This movement catches me off-guard and I slow slightly. His steely gaze momentarily frightens me, as he doesn't break his hold.

And that's when I trip.

Totally wrapped up in my own emotions, my legs fail me. Before I could hit the ground, a strong arm grasps my waist. The limb pulls me back so that I am standing up once more. I turn. The man is the same one from the booth at Jeff's. The same one that had creeped me out with that piercing stare. But up close, he seems different. His eyes twinkle with mischief and mystery, completely captivating me under their scrutiny. They are hazel with a softness to them, as if he pities me. But their harshness dominates that small sign of sentimentality. His lips are a rose colour, plump with two black rings securely fastened into place. Dark stubble is visible along his defined jawline.

"Can you stop staring at me and answer my question that I've been repeating for the last five minutes?" comes his deep, masculine voice. He pushes his fingers through his hair, russet highlights catching the light.

"Um...sorry, what was it?" I blush, suddenly becoming embarrassed by my own ignorance.

"I asked if you were okay." He replies with an exasperated sigh, cold and cutting with his response. I was probably wasting his time. He'd seemed in a rush earlier.

"Uh, yeah. Thank you. You didn't need to come to my rescue." I let out a timid laugh to lighten the atmosphere. A small smirk appears on his lips and my knees threaten to buckle at the sight of it. He looks to the side as he smiles and his hair falls out of place slightly. He rakes his fingers back through the messy quiff. My throat is dry as I try to choke out something to fill the silence. But I don't generate the courage in time.

"Listen, I need to go. Try not to fall over again." He instructs with a hint of humour to his voice. I get one last look of his beautiful eyes before he turns, walking away from me. "Oh and Riley, you're so very welcome." I can hear the grin in his voice as he disappears down the street. I stand, frozen. Why me? He could have just let me fall. In fact, most people would. So why was I any different? And I wouldn't put it past him to carry on walking, as upon first glances it looked like he would revel in somebody else's misfortune. Staring at the spot that he'd just been standing in, my breath stops as the realisation hits.

He knew my name.

SweetheartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ