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This is my first horror/murder story, so I'd really appreciate any feedback! Please comment and vote to continue the story! I've been really excited to publish this on wattpad for any of you who follow me, as this is really adventurous for me! But a few psycho stories here and there have brought me to writing something like this. So I hope you enjoy (if reading a story about murder can be enjoyable) and support me throughout this journey! Thank you and much love!


"You can't hide forever..."

My footsteps are silent on the floorboards as I tread carefully along the hallway. Her breaths are sharp and shuddering, and I can hear the panic as she tries to steady herself. A smirk plasters itself onto my face as I flip the knife in my hands, feeling it's weight. The blade glints in my hands and a manic stare overpowers my relaxed gaze. I lift my head, seeking my victim. 

"I can hear you..."

My laughter rings around the house, warped and misleading. I let my limbs hang loosely at my sides, the weapon pressed against my right leg so I don't appear threatening. I've always enjoyed the chase. My ears lead me to a small room, presumably a bedroom, where I can hear her thumping heart. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are..."

I knew where she was. Of course I did. The false sense of security only added to the thrill. As I push open the door of the room, emphasising the creak, her breath hitches in her throat. The tremors escalate as I edge closer to her hiding place. The wardrobe. Resting my hand on the handle, I lean into the split of the doors. 


Flinging it open, her scream reaches new decibels. Of course, she tries to run. They always do. As her lithe body moves, I dart to the door, throwing it shut. No more escaping. I am bored of pursuing her. 

"Please...please...I-don't hurt me...please...I beg..." came her pitiful squeaks. Craning my head to the side, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. 

"Alexandra...I would never hurt you. But you hurt me, and for that, your life is my payback." A sadistic smile prints across my face and I can see the sweat pouring from her delicious body as she seems to realise that this is the end. 

"But Daemon...I love you." She admits, wringing her hands together and looking at her feet. The woman pushes herself away from the haven of the wall and takes a tentative step forward.

"Really?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. My grip on the knife plummets, and it is only hanging loosely. 

"Of course I do honey...I've always loved you." Alexandra strides towards me confidently, wrapping her arms around my neck and pushing her hand through the black curls upon my head. Her lips are inches from mine and I stare at their plumpness. I raise my eyelids to meet her own big brown eyes as they sparkle in the moonlight. She bites her lip suggestively and lets her finger trace my prominent collar bone. I reach around, grazing my teeth against her ear lobe and feeling her shudder with pleasure beneath my hold. I moan softly into her neck, shutting my eyes briefly.

"Too bad, bitch." The knife plunges into her stomach and I hear the gurgle of defeat as it rises from her lips. The small, satisfying gasp of death escapes from her mouth as her eyes dull slightly. A grin swipes across my face as I watch her arms lose their sense of control and flop as she falls to her knees. I crouch, pressing my forehead to hers, letting my nose take in her sweet fragrance, nuzzling her jawline before kissing down her neck. "But baby, the angels are calling." I whisper in her ear softly. Her lips are discolouring, their pigment changing as she begins to shiver violently. I rise to my full height, tilting my head. "Aw, honey, what's the matter? Didn't your mama never teach you that you shouldn't play with knives? Unfortunately for you, mine didn't." The woman starts to bow backwards, before completely giving in to gravity and lying vulnerably at my feet.

"Daemon...I" came the strangled undertones of her voice. She is really struggling to make the words form from her mouth.

"Hush, baby. Don't say anything." I kneel beside her, resting my finger upon her greying lips. I tear open her shirt, which is already soaked with blood, and cut off the bra that lies beneath. My right hand wields the knife and I stick it mercilessly into her chest. Her body bucks forward but she can't fight against it. The blood is pooling around us, and she'd lost far too much to even consider trying to stop me. I drag it sharply over her flesh, and arch it down to her naval. I can tell that she's already slipped from my grasp by now, as her eyes have already lolled into the back of her head. Skilfully, I charge the blade away from her naval and arch it back round to my starting point. I sit back, admiring my handiwork. A carving of a heart is now visible upon her beautiful body. Blood pours from the open wounds, gushing from the new slashes on her skin. "I wish you'd always been this obedient." I snicker darkly, lifting her lifeless carcass up into the bridal hold. Her blood stains my shirt, but I don't care. "We could've been happy, me and you. Now look what you've done." I scold laying her gently onto the bed and crossing my fingertips over her eyes to shut them. Her eyelashes flutter down and she looks at peace. I wipe the blood from the knife onto her cheek and walk back around the bed, towards the door. Opening it, I turn back and softly mutter,

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

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