Chapter 11 - Predictability

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I shut the door and locked it, because I knew that Kian would forget to do if before he went to bed. I swear if we got murdered in our sleep, it would be because of Kian and his memory loss.

I sigh, switching the kettle on as I pick a mug from the cupboard. I hum as I set about making the tea.

"What's wrong with you?" I hear a voice behind me question, and as it catches me by surprise, I almost knock the mug from the countertop.

"Jesus Kian! You've got to stop creeping up on me!" I scold as the kettle whistles. Kian's eyes narrow at me suspiciously as he sits down on a barstool.

"You're smiling..." He ponders, tilting his head. "Okay, who is he?"

"Excuse me? How do you know it's a guy?" I feign horror and turn my back to him, lifting the kettle.

"Generally because you are never this chirpy unless a dude is involved." He says pulling an apple from the fruit bowl and biting into it.

I hated to admit it. No woman's life should revolve around finding a man to complete her, as she is already complete without him. But in this case, Lukas was showing me a new side of romance. And I would be lying if I said I didn't have a tiny crush on him.

"Oh, so I'm right then. What's his name?" Kian shot a playful glance at me and it was hard not to smile. I warmed my hands on the mug of tea, sitting across from him.

"Lukas. You know him apparently. He delivered a pizza and you were drunk enough to invite him into the party." I say, taking a sip of tea.

Kian frowned slightly, tilting his head to the side and placing the apple core down. "I don't remember a Lukas, but it was a wild night so I don't remember much to be honest." He snickers and I roll my eyes. "When will I get to meet Mr. Ray of Sunshine?"

"Lukas. It's only been the first date so not yet. I'm nobody's booty call." I laugh but give Kian a pointed look at his nickname for Luke.

"If you say so." Kian shrugged and dragged himself off of the bar stool, slouching into the living room and positioning himself on the couch.

"Have you heard anything from Joe?" I ask, my voice becoming quiet as I utter his name, following Kian into the living room.

Kian's body goes slightly rigid at the mention of Joe, and I instantly regret asking. Kian's eyes creep to meet mine. "No. He's probably still licking his wounds." He replies, tone icy. I nod my head and perch on the armrest of the couch. I stare down into the mug of tea, Kian channel surfing next to me in silence. Well, that was an instant conversation killer.



I listen to the vibration of the phone as it rings into my ear. I know that he's home. It would be a very bad decision to ignore me. I lean against the lamppost and stare up at his house before me. Finally, the ringing stops and a croaky voice answers.

"Hello?" He asks, sniffling into the receiver. Feeling sorry for himself. How cowardly.

"Knock knock." I reply, trying to keep my voice low. However, I have been refraining myself from becoming too involved with strangers, as the police are beginning to catch on to my routine and method. Of course, I will have to switch it up a bit. I am not going back to the mental asylum. I would rather die and serve Satan than go back to a place where people lick walls and talk nonsense. Some of them don't even have a voice. They just seem to rock, moan or scream until their throat gives up or they're given some sort of drug.

"Who is this?" I can hear the surprise in his voice as it reflects some sort of curiosity.

"That's not how the joke goes Joe. Also, I'm afraid I can't give you that kind of valuable information. All you need to know is that hanging up on me is a very, very bad idea and so is calling the police. All I want is to talk to you." I say, giving him a false sense of security as my tone becomes calmer and more enchanting.

"...What about?" He asks. How naive of you Joe. I thought you'd have some sort of idea about what my issue is.

"A lady named Riley Hewitt." I announce. I'm sure I hear a sharp intake of breath on the other end, and it makes me smirk satisfactorily.

"What about her?" Joe pries, trying to seem nonchalant and casual.

"I'm sure you have a good idea." I reply. This is getting boring Joe. You're so lucky that I'm trying to take a hiatus from murder. He's almost asking me to put him out of his misery. It's never fun when they're practically begging you to do it.

"Listen, if Kian put you up to this, don't you think I've suffered enough for what I did? I could barely see yesterday morning!" He sounds angry almost. What do you expect when you almost raped a woman? He should learn that getting bitchy with me will only make me clench that knife harder.

"Kian doesn't even know me. All I'm going to say is if you don't stay away from Riley, I will be forced into hurting you. And I'm trying to be a nice guy right now." I smile into the receiver as he scoffs at my words.

"Yeah? Y'know what dude, fuck you. I'm so done with taking shit from people, especially when I don't even know who you are." He makes a pathetic attempt to intimidate me and it only makes me laugh that little bit harder. However, he is getting really tiring and I feel my knuckles blanch around the knife in my pocket. Looks like my hiatus isn't going to last long.

"Oh, you and me will be getting very familiar with each other soon by the looks of things. Look outside your window, Joe." I taunt, hearing him stride towards the bedroom window. The curtains flicker and then pull back to reveal his face. His eyes search the street and he seems to frown when he can't find me. "A little to your right...That's it." His eyes land on me and widen, as I lift my sunglasses and position them on top of my hood, which is hanging loosely on the back of my head. I slide my hand into my pocket and present a knife. His face goes pale and he backs away from the window. I wave up at him and drag it loosely along the wooden panels of the fence leading up to his front door. I press the receiver to my lips, excitement building within me as I realise that this will be my first kill in days.

"You better start running, Joe." I whisper, and I hear his phone clatter to the ground.


DUN DHUN DUN PLOT TWIST. But idek, should Joe die or make a comeback?

I'm sorry once again for the infrequent uploads. I'm so bad at this. But I need to warn you guys that I'm not going to be available for a few months because I'm in South Africa for three weeks and then Spain for another four. I apologise. Please don't hate me /hides/

Please vote and comment my lovelies!❤️

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