Chapter 13 - "Missed Me?"

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I'm not even going to make an excuse because I know I'm bad with consistent uploads. But here it is! Enjoy, vote and comment please❤️


"Hey baby, how are you?"

It'd been around two weeks since our little 'date' and I found myself fawning over the melody of his words through the receiver. We'd briefly met up again the week after but it was only for an hour. He'd had to go to work, so we'd enjoyed a small walk around the park before saying goodbye. Other than that, we'd been texting and calling one another in the times that we were apart.

"I'm fine thanks. I was just thinking about you, that's all." I cringe at my pathetic choice in reply, waiting for him to hang up and run as far away from my existence as possible. Since when did Riley Hewitt become the girl that clung to any form of romantic attention? He must think I'm so needy already. Instead, he let out a soft chuckle, scratchy due to the fact that it was early and I'd probably woken him up in all fairness. God, I loved a guy's sleepy morning voice.

"How cute." He mused, and I could hear him lifting himself up from the mattress. "Why don't I make your thoughts a reality and come see you today?" He offered, and my heart jumped a little at the prospect.

Behave Riley. You're showing yourself up.

I momentarily blushed and nodded, before realising he wasn't there to see my physical acceptance to his proposal. "Oh, um, sure." I fumbled for my words mentally face palming myself. See, this is why I can't be trusted with any feelings towards a man. We weren't even a 'thing' yet. Boyfriend and girlfriend statuses shouldn't be thrown around so loosely.

I barely knew anything about why did that entice me all the more?

"Great. I have work all this afternoon but I'll come over tonight. Seven okay?" I didn't have a problem with that, as long as he didn't turn out to be a number one douchebag and think that he was going to get something out of a late night visit.

"Sure. You can have the couch if you're staying over." I grinned at my words and waited for his reply.

"Oh, you're such a tease Riley!" He feigned hurt and then laughed. "Me and the couch will be best friends, I promise. See you later, doll." His thick accent rolled through the receiver and I smiled to myself, hearing him hang up the phone.


"Kian, could you please take your feet off of the coffee table? I've just cleaned it!" I sigh in exasperation as he mashes the buttons on the controller, eyes glued to the television.

"Good, it won't make my shoes dirty then, will it?" He sarcastically replied, without even throwing a glance my way. I scowled at him, flinging a cushion at his face. He groaned like I'd just wounded him, before casually sliding the cushion from it's target and back onto the couch. "Why are you so fidgety today? Calm down for god's sake, you're making my skin itch." He complained, pausing the game and turning his attention to me. His eyes studied my face as I tried to have a blank expression, but he'd already sussed me out. I didn't even know how to reply to his question and the silence was deafening. "Oh, it's the dude again isn't it? I wondered why you'd suddenly become a clean freak. I'm sure he's not allergic to a little bit of dust, Riley." Kian snickered before continuing the game.

"He'll be here in ten minutes and you look like a tramp Kian. I'm going to have to convince him you're not illegally squatting in my house." I bit back, eyes narrowing.

"You're persuasive. You'll figure it out." He laughed to himself, and I rolled my eyes. Why do I even bother...

Just then, the buzzer sounded throughout the apartment and I pretty much vaulted the table to get to it. I could hear Kian chuckling to himself in the background but I was beyond caring.

"Hello? Lukas?" I breathed into the speaker.

"You know it." The gravelly voice came. I smiled, pressing the button to grant him access to the building and hung up the phone.

"Dude, he's got you wrapped up hasn't he?" Kian grinned, hands in the pockets of his lowly hung sweatpants.

"Kian, please." I glowered, and he put his hands up in surrender.

"No worries Riley. If you wanna get laid so badly, I'll make myself scarce." He made a beeline for the hallway, his laughter ringing out through the apartment. I was about to chase him for his insolent comment when a knock distracted me. Ruffling my hair a little in the mirror, I slowly took the handle to reveal the man in front of me, whom flashed me a smile.

"Missed me?"

SweetheartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu