Chapter 15 - Satisfy

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I prowl the streets, keeping my head low as I walk quickly down the narrow London paths. It was so...quiet. I was used to hiding my face as people stampeded up and down the high street, always seeming to be in a rush as their mobile phones were glued to their ears, talking animatedly into them as cars roared past.

But the night was vacant. Exactly how I liked it.

My cravings to kill were getting the better of me. I could feel the urge niggling in the back of my head, coaxing, whispering encouragement to my already warped mind. I would be satisfied with drawing blood, but anything less and I'd lose my control over the dark passenger that visited me regularly. He would only leave when I'd given him what he wanted. And that was to see the fear enter the eyes of a vulnerable soul as they realised they might be drawing their last breath.

I shivered slightly, shrinking back into the confines of my dark clothing and pulling my jacket closer. Even if it was the early hours of the morning, I still needed to be careful. People were looking for me. I was a wanted man.

I smirked to myself at that thought. Maybe I wasn't wanted in the way that I'd imagined, but wanted all the same. It was a sickening thought, but I was actually impressed that I'd managed to make headlines so soon into my escape. I'd only been gone a month or so, and I'd already ended the life of two women that had scorned me, and mentally scarred a man - if you could call him that - so badly he wouldn't leave his house.

A grin stupidly crossed my face as I continued to walk, dipping down a poorly-lit alley. Shoving my hands deep into my pockets, I climbed the steps of the fire escape and gently nudged the metal door open. It creaked, signifying my entrance as the neon sign flickered above the frame.

As the door clunked shut, I made my way through the bar. It wasn't the most impressive place, I'll admit. The musk of the room hit me as soon as I entered: a mixture of stale beer, sex and smoke. The carpet was stained with liquor and garish patterns adorned it's fibres. Ornate tables littered the floor, stools lazily thrown beneath as I approached one of them. It was surprisingly tranquil, but what did I expect at almost one in the morning?

Flipping a coaster between my finger and thumb, I watched as a young woman approached me. She was dressed in tight black shorts and a cropped cardigan top that tied in the middle with a huge knot, black stilettos attached to her feet. She was chewing gum as she stopped at my table, one hand on her hip and a drinks tray in the other. I let my eyes travel to her face, taking in her bright, heavily applied make-up and hooped gold earrings.

"What can I get you handsome?" She asked, her blonde ringlets swishing as she spoke.

I weakly smiled at her pathetic attempts to flirt with me, and continued to stare at her face. "Just a half please."

She falsely flashed her teeth at me in response, pivoting on her heels and sashaying back to the bar. I watched her carefully, seeing her set down the drinks tray and grab a small glass.

My eyes turned to the array of decorations around me, surveying the area as I took in the other people. An elderly man sat on a chair near the jukebox, smoking heavily and seemingly drunk. His nose was red and puffed up, indicating that he drank a lot. Why did people manage their problems through consuming alcohol? It only makes you forget for a short period of time, and you end up feeling sick the day after. Saying that, I didn't handle my issues in the best way either.

I gathered my attention to rest on a couple, laughing and joking as they swapped stories of their past over the low hum of music that cascaded from the speakers. How oddly normal. I couldn't imagine living like that. I enjoyed the dangers of life too much.

The rest of the chairs were empty, and I allowed my attention to roam on the large metal poles that stood on slightly raised stages. Chairs with curved backs were scattered at the foot of the stages, and I rolled my eyes. London still had strip clubs?

My thoughts were interrupted as the woman returned with my drink, placing it down on one of the worn, stained coasters. "There you go honey, enjoy your night." She sweetly smiled at me and began cleaning some tables nearby.

I took the drink, gripping the glass as I allowed the amber fluid to wash down my throat. It'd been a while since alcohol had entered my system, and it instantly made me feel better. Pooling within my stomach, I felt it sting pleasurably as I leant back on the stool. I momentarily closed my eyes, savouring the moment as I downed the last of the liquid.

Setting the glass down, my eyes sprung back open and targeted the barmaid. I called her over with a flick of my wrist. As she reached my table, I plastered my face with a smile.

"What time do you finish tonight sweetheart?"

Her eyes lit up at my question.

She was the one, she was definitely the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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