Stop Making Excuses ~ Chapter 24

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Derek- I- 

Shylo- Don't talk to me Derek. 

Derek- I didn't even-

Shylo- I don't wanna hear it.

Derek started sobbing, so I turned around. 



Derek got jumped. Bruises and cuts everywhere. By the looks of it, he just died and came back to life. He looked terrible. But I couldn't help but ask why he left and went to go meet up with that bitch in the first place. That's the only question I have on my mind right now.

Shylo- Just Stop Making Excuses  for once. Tell me. Why would you go over there? Why did you leave? Just why?

Derek- I-I know this is gonna sound stupid but... I went because I wanted to make things between me and you right. I wanted to understand Alexandra. I wanted to talk things out with her. I thought I would go meet up with her, and talk everything out, and try to understand her, and then everything would be fine after. But I thought wrong. The pictures that you saw, with the bruises on my neck... she forced me to take those pictures and post them to make it seem like me and her were together, or to make it seem like I was cheating on you. Because if I didn't do what she asked then she'll send more people to beat the living shit outta me. That was the fakest smile I've ever put on my face. I was aching everywhere.  And I know you might say that I'm stupid for thinking that it was a great idea to try and talk things out with her , but I really did want to make things ok between all of us. I only went because I wanted to keep you safe, Shylo. 

Girl, atp I was shedding tears left and right. Derek limped over to me, and wiped my tears off my face. 

Shylo- I-

Derek- Shylo.... you're the love of my life. The first love of my life. I'm not gonna let some female ruin what we have, because what we have is something special.  And I'm not saying this because I want to get off the leash or because I want to act like the victim, Shylo. It's because... even though we are young, you made me realize what love truly is. I wanted to at least try to keep you safe because the truth is... I fucking love you, Shylo Marie. And I would do anything for you-

I had to kiss him. I was no longer thinking about some stupid pictures that were posted on instagram, or those messages I had read earlier that day. I was only thinking about his lips on mine. So after the kiss he let go.

Derek- The truth is Shylo, I was thinking about OUR future together during that whole situation. While I was getting my ass kicked and punched... the only thing that was running through my mind was you. Kissing you when I got back here, and having you in my arms again. And I don't care how much of a simp, or how soft I sound or look right now... because I really do love you.

Shylo- I love you too my love. Now get your cute ass over here.

We kissed again. A long and passionate kiss. And then we hear clapping from upstairs. Everyone in the house is clapping. From Vallyk, to Alyssa, to Kobe, to Monroe, to Mike. Even my parents, and Derek's sister Ahiella. And all I felt were sparks in the air. I knew I loved him from the second we entered the 8th grade, but damn did I know we would be this in love during our junior year. We both pulled away from each other and then hugged. Everyone else came down the stairs for a group hug. I'm pretty sure we all felt very united afterwards. 

thoughts... I'm finna switch this whole shit up and have pov's. So comment down below some pov's that ya wanna see. 

The group hug eventually died off and we all sat down on the couch as a family. No interruptions. All of us were happy and talking to each other, and then I asked Derek if he wanted to go upstairs. Get your mind out of the gutter people. LMFAO anyways... I only asked him that because I wanted to help clean him up after what happened. He looked pretty bad but it wasn't anything some band-aids, a bath, a kiss and a nice cuddle session couldn't fix. 

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