WE'RE HOME!! Chapter 14- Part 3

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It was pretty cute and it was blue, golden, and light blue so it wasn't just one color. There were balloons everywhere in the backyard so it was beautiful. I went to go to the kitchen and I heard a knock on the door. I opened to see... 


I saw my mom and dad's friends. Derek came behind me and saw them at the door and that was when everyone came and hugged and greeted each other. I sat them down and it was pretty chill. 

Kobe- Why didn't you invite mama and our cousins? 

Shylo- They are all in DR, remember?

Kobe- Ohhh yea! They went on vacation the other day.

I then sat Valentina, Roberto, Ximena, and Juan down on the couch, and we caught up and talked and everything. They didn't bring their kids because they were at a sleepover. 

Derek- Yea we are officially a couple!

Ximena- Oh my goodness congrats guys!

Derek and me- Thank you!

Kobe- If only I can find somebody.

Shylo- Oh you will w yo pretty face, pretty waist, she's a dinner plate.

We all laughed and got up to get the guests some drinks.

Derek- You lookin mad good right now.

Shylo- Bubba this is not the time to be doing this right now.

Derek- I just want one kiss-

I interrupted him with a kiss.

Shylo- Feel better baby?

Derek- Yes.

Shylo- Ok then.

I got the drinks for them and I told them my mom and dad were gonna be home soon.

Ximena- Thank you!

Valentina- Thank you!

Roberto- Gracias!

Juan- Thank you mami!

Shylo- No problem.

I got a call from my mom that they were almost landing so I went with Derek to go get them.

Shylo- Come on bubba! We gotta go get mami y papi.

Derek- Ok mi amor I'm coming.

We got in the jeep and drove to the airport to pick up my parents.

We got to the airport and after 10 minutes mami called me and told me that she was outside already. I saw mami and papi standing on the side and Derek got out of the car to help them while I stayed in the car. 

Mami- Wow mira que lindo estas el! ( Wow look how cute he is)

Derek- Gracias mami. (Thank you mom)

Papi- Si! Tu si estas muy bien vestido  hoy. Pero donde estas mi princesa!? ( Yes! You are very well dressed today. But where are you my princess!?

Shylo- Aqui estoy papi! Como te fue? (I'm right her dad! How did it go?)

Papi- It went really good princess. Now get us home! 

We drove home and it was a pretty long ride and conversation that we had. We were just talking about how it went for them on their anniversary get away. 

Then we arrived home and we told them to wait in the car while we put confetti on the floor and told everyone to get ready to surprise them. We closed the doors to the backyard so that they don't see through the glass windows and stuff. I went back outside with two blindfolds and me and Derek blindfolded them. We took them into the house and we took the blindfolds off of them and everyone screamed.

Everyone- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!


We all screamed and greeted my parents.

Shylo- Alright so how do you like your surprise so far.

Mami- What do you mean so far?

Papi- Right? Is there something else? You guys didn't have to do all of this!

Everyone- But we love you guys!!!

Mami and Papi- We love you too!!

Shylo- Alright so let's take them outside!

We went outside and my mom started to tear up because she is very emotional. She thanked everyone and by 1:48 my parents' friends left and it was just us again. 

Mami- For real guys, I love you so much.

Everyone- We love you too mami!

We all took a shower and we went to bed. Us little people went to my room and my parents went to their room after we showered. We are going to have a very long day tomorrow because we were going to go to Kobe's sisters house. 

~To be continued~

~Author's Note~

Yes Kobe is adopted in this series! I came up with this a second ago because it didn't really make sense that Kobe is mixed with black and white but he is in a dominican family so yea. They're going to visit his biological family tomorrow. The whole crew will be going excluding the parents because I don't really know. Ahiella and Kiya and Jasline and Kenny will be making it into the story if any of you were wondering. The whole ARTSACE crew will be a part of this as well. But I love you guys and thank you all for 2.8k READSSSSSS!!!!

Word count: 775 words

~ Friends and Lovers ~ DerektrendzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ