Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys! So if you haven't read my previous fanfiction, you wouldn't get this one. So go check out 'Where we Come Alive' before reading this one. Again, I do not own any of these characters. I hope you enjoy this one as much as the last one! 

Draco was screaming in agony as the Dark Lord tortured him for the second time. His father was laughing, as Draco’s screams grew louder and louder. He felt searing pain boring into his skin as he was silently begging for death. He was howling in pain, while the Dark Lord was amusing himself in the process. He closed his eyes to ease the pain, comfort ran through his body when he pictured Harry in that god-awful muggle turtleneck, smiling adorably. He was the only one who seemed to bring him back from the edge, reminding him that he did have something to hold on to. Pain flared up in his body again, but this time he was not screaming, only a soft grunt escaped his lips. He was tired. He couldn’t handle more of that. Two weeks ago, he had walked into the Malfoy Manor, in the hope that he would protect his father from any danger that might befall him. The Dark Lord had given him The Dark Mark in the next few days, only to torture him later for aiding Harry. He collapsed on the floor, groaning. Another death eater, carried him back to the basement, dumping him harshly against the floor. The basement was dark, unpleasant and cold. The calm moonlight struggled to penetrate through the window, dimly lighting the room.

He was locked inside till The Dark Lord would decide to amuse himself again by torturing Draco. Honestly, he was surprised that he hadn’t gone insane by now. He was perfectly aware of the after effects of the cruciatus curse. His body felt weak, he was on the verge of a breakdown. A mental breakdown. Lucius Malfoy wasn’t welcoming either. He didn’t associate himself with his own son anymore, saying that he was nothing but a Disgrace to the Malfoy name, an evil grin would be plastered across his face every time Draco would be tortured. Father of the year. He longed to be with Harry Potter, to look into those beautiful green eyes, calming and peaceful. He couldn’t exactly get out of here without endangering Potter and his friends, and he didn’t wish to. Harry’s safety was his priority. As long as he was safe, Draco didn’t care. He didn’t have anything else to lose. Except the brunette. He couldn’t reach out to him, because Harry was reckless and he’d put himself in danger to save Draco. A true Gryffindor.

“Hey love.”

His voice. Draco turned his head, looking at the brunette standing further away from him. He slowly came closer to Draco, kneeling down softly stroking Draco’s hair.

“How did you-

He placed a finger on Draco’s lips and smiled. “You’re an illusion.” He exhaled.

“Oh, I’d come for you, but you think I’m reckless.” He laughed. Draco smiled weakly. On the bright side, he could hear Harry’s voice. Even if it wasn’t real.

“You are.” Draco smirked. He gazed softly at Harry’s face and those striking emerald green eyes. He wanted nothing more than to be with him.

“Like what you see Malfoy?” Harry asked, a playful smile on his lips. Draco sneered.

“Even as an illusion, you manage to annoy me.”

“One of my many talents.” He bowed. Draco chuckled. “I’ll help you Dray, if you let me.”

Draco hesitated. He couldn’t get out of here. Not without trouble making its way towards him and now, he was one of them. Unwillingly, but he was a death eater now. Potter was a saint, he’d save anyone. Maybe…No.

“I’d much rather have an un-dead boyfriend, thanks.” Draco replied. Harry shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t always have selfish motives Potter.”

Harry snorted. Draco managed to laugh weakly. Harry/illusion Harry, gently smiled at Draco. There was a comfortable silence. He felt better, to establish what was fake or real did not matter. Not now. All he cared about was that he could see the brunette, that he could see that adorable smile. That was enough to keep him going for a while.

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