Chapter Five

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Draco was expecting death in the next few minutes. He’d entirely forgotten about the mark and how the other would react. Especially Harry. It would affect him more than anybody else. He hadn’t really been thinking at all. He escaped without thinking of the consequences and the hardships that lay ahead. He shifted uncomfortably. Harry’s face was buried in the crook of his neck, his breaths coming out unevenly. Granger’s wand was pointed at him, a stern expression on her face. Harry refused to move, which surprised Draco. He had expected Harry to push him away, to ask him to rot in hell or something even more dramatic. He had absolutely not expected Harry to pull him even closer, wrapping his arms around Draco’s neck. The gesture warmed his heart, although Granger did not take it well. Weasley lowered her arm, silently asking her to leave it be. He was tired. It had been a long journey with a few stops in between. They hadn’t wanted to exhaust Buckbeak, considering that the bird had flown all the way to Malfoy manor. They’d also stopped in a quaint town for breakfast and Draco hadn’t rested in a few days anyway.

 Harry was calmer, his breaths coming out evenly, but he still did not let go. He dropped another kiss on his head, rubbing his thumb in circles around Harry’s back.

“I’m sorry.” Harry whispered. “I shouldn’t have let you go.”

Draco shook his head, carding his fingers through Harry’s hair, wondering why he carried the responsibility of every person on his shoulders. But then he was the chosen one. The fate of the wizarding world rested with him.

“I made my choice.” Draco replied, softly. “It’s not your fault.”

Harry pulled away, smiling gently at Draco. His eyes were puffy, while his hair was a mess. But despite that, he managed to look adorable.

“I want to bury him. Properly.” Harry said. Sirius nodded.

“I’ll do that.” Sirius replied. “Hermione, would you like to help me?”

She nodded; her gaze still fixed on Draco

He inhaled sharply, choosing his next words very carefully. He stood up facing everyone in the room, scanning their faces for any sign of discomfort.

“Yes. I am a death eater.” Draco said. “But I did not take the mark willingly. I never agreed to be a part of his plots against Harry, or participate in any of his ruthless hunting and murders-

“You’re one of them, and your excuses are-

“Let him speak Hermione.” Ron said, gently. Draco had a look of disbelief on his face. Sirius gave him an encouraging nod.

“Look, I did not know that he’d brand my arm with his god-awful mark. Hell, I did not even think he’d go that far. I’ve been tortured for weeks; my father was quite satisfied with it.” Draco said. “The pull of family- it’s stronger than you’re led to believe. It’s your blood, and somewhere, you’re bound to feel responsible for them.”

Sirius nodded knowingly. He had been in an abusive family as well, yet he had the choice to run away. He had people to look out for him. Draco wasn’t even sure what Harry felt about him, now that he was a death eater.

“I left in the hope of protecting him if any harm befalls upon him.” He continued. “He’s a lost cause, and is certainly insane. I did not expect my own father to go to such lengths. I never agreed to stand by them, which did not end well. I made the wrong choice.” He looked at Harry apologetically, hoping that despite all that he’d done, he’d still love him.

“I know that you definitely don’t feel comfortable with a death eater lurking in your house, so if I must, I’ll make some other arrangements till the start of term-

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