Chapter Eight

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It had been a few weeks since the whole Dursley fiasco, and everyone still wanted details. Harry left out the part about the snogging. It was between the two of them and probably one of the wildest memories he had. Hermione was absolutely ecstatic, and she'd even applauded Draco. He was curled up against Draco on the couch, watching Hermione and Ron play chess. She had a soft blush on her face, and Harry clearly was missing something here. Ron was letting her win, because he always did. But there was something between the two of them, and Harry couldn't exactly pinpoint it. Ginny was reading some books on Herbology, because Neville had probably asked her out on more plant dates and she was constantly reading ever since. Draco was stroking his hair, placing kisses every once in a while. Remus was wolfing out, so Sirius was with him in the basement. There was a lot of howling, but it sounded distant. Harry was tracing Draco's arm absent-mindedly, wondering how things would be once they were back at Hogwarts. Everything had changed. Draco was a death eater, and only a few of them knew that, but he had to make sure that it wouldn't come to bite him back in the ass. Hermione had been skeptical about it, but she stood by Harry. Ron was entirely supportive, but not convinced just yet. He'd expected that of course, they wouldn't just trust him all of sudden. They'd decided to keep it between themselves. The Weasley's, except Ron, did not know that Draco was a death eater. It was better that way. He turned his gaze towards Draco, his eyes were half-closed. Harry shuffled closer to him, if that was even possible.

"Can you both quit being so intimate?" Ginny asked. "It's unbearable."

Draco chuckled, pulling Harry even closer. "Weasley, don't risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead." He punched Draco's arm, asking him to NOT risk the wrath of Ginny Weasley. She scoffed and went back to reading. Draco smiled satisfactorily at her defeat, placing a kiss on Harry's lips.

"Dray," Harry hesitated. "About Zabini-

"I could accidently trip and rip his heart out." He provided. "I was ambushed. I was hexed. Now, I'm vengeful."


Hermione groaned in frustration. She collapsed against the floor, sighing loudly.

"Told you I'd lose." Ron smiled. Harry gave him a questioning glance. Hermione was frustrated and almost screeching now. Draco politely asked her to turn in down, providing another sarcastic remark and it didn't amuse her at all. "So, you willingly lost?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. She challenged me, saying that she'd lose this round. I proved her wrong." Ron replied, sipping his pumpkin juice.

"What the-

"Language, Potter." Draco warned. "There are children present."

Ginny shot him a 'Say that again, and you'll wish you were never born' stare. Frankly, it was quite terrifying. The girls were not to be crossed, and all of them knew that better than anybody else. Harry didn't know how Ginny would react if she found out that Draco was a death eater. They hadn't given anybody much details, but provided them a brief explanation.

"Hey Potter, fancy a game of chess?" Draco asked.

"And lose?" Harry smirked. "Pass."

If he heard Draco revel about how excellent he was at chess, he was going to put his head through a wall. He always lost to him, and he reveled about his brilliance and how Harry should focus on strategy.

"You've graciously accepted your defeat." Draco snickered. "Our brave Gryffindor-

"I saved the school thrice." Harry said, noticing Draco's 'I'm not impressed' face. "What? So, I can't gloat?"

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