Chapter Seven

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Harry stirred in his sleep, feeling an intense pain in his arm. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust his vision. Draco was still sleeping, nestled in his arms. Yeah, this was worth it. He kissed the top of his head, a smile forming on his face. His arm was entirely numb, but it did not matter. Draco looked so beautiful with his platinum blond hair entirely messed up, a few strands falling on his face. His lips parted, and he exhaled sharply. He shuffled a little, making himself comfortable in Harry's arms. He chuckled softly, not wanting to wake him up. He buried his face in Draco's neck, closing his eyes for a while, inhaling Draco's scent and relaxed considerably.

"Happy Birthday Potter." Draco murmured. "Our dear little chosen one is sixteen now."

Harry rolled his eyes, pulling away from Draco for a moment, only to be drawn into a kiss. It wasn't even five minutes since they'd woken up and Draco's tongue was already halfway down Harry's throat. He moaned softly, and felt Draco smile into the kiss.

"Thanks." Harry replied, placing a kiss on Draco's forehead. "Slept alright?"

Draco probably hadn't noticed that he was nuzzled between Harry's arms, in a very comfortable position, while Harry was sure that he'd lost his hand. He chuckled deeply, kissing Harry again. He looked at Harry, smiling mischievously. Harry raised his eyebrows, wondering about the possibilities of Draco doing something that'd take him by surprise.

"Dray, what are you up to?" He asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot."


"Alright. Well, we're both going to the Dursley's this evening, Sirius is on Remus duty and the Weasley's. Also, I plan on introducing Ron to a new pet. I'm taking bets on which goes south first."

Harry realized that he was staring, wondering whether he should be worried about Sirius being responsible of the Weasley's while Remus was wolfing out, about visiting the Dursley's and the disaster of handing over a pet to Ron, which he wasn't always lucky at. Plus, they couldn't go to Privet Drive without danger following them. And with Lucius Malfoy tracking down his son...

"It's too-

"Dangerous." Draco concluded. "Our lives are one, big proverbial coin toss Potter."

He would've asked Hermione, but she was visiting her parents for a few days. And the last time the Weasley's had visited, it had been a disaster. He'd tried to delay the visit, but he could not do that anymore. He groaned in frustration, wanting to slither under a rock and die.

"Stop whining." Draco said. "You brood too much. I'm coming despite the chosen one's protests, because I don't care what you want, I'll get my own way."

"Charming." Harry muttered.

"Don't look at me with those judgy little eyes." Draco groaned.

Harry smiled. It wouldn't be such a bad thing to visit the Dursley's after all. He'd kept delaying it for about a month and now he was being dragged to Privet Drive by Draco Malfoy and was mildly enjoying it.

"Yes, Potter." Draco smirked. "I'm your knight in shining armor. In this case, a suit."

"Malfoy, you're not wearing a suit."

"I am wearing a suit Potter." Draco said. "It's called having a fashion sense, have some, it's free."

"You know, I liked you a lot better when you hated everybody." Harry said.

"Oh, I still do." Draco confessed "I just love that they love me."

Harry pulled him closer and into a deep kiss. Much deeper than required. Not that either of them was complaining. Harry did not wish to visit the Dursley's on his birthday, but it was time to close that chapter of his life. It was necessary. He was glad that Draco was coming with him, but hoped that he won't hex the Dursley's.

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