Chapter Ten

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Draco sat up in his bed, an almost scream caught in his throat. He felt like he was drenched in a cold sweat and he was breathing heavily, gripping at his sheets. Images still played in his eyes from when he had been asleep and he gave a groan, hands coming up to hold his head.

Rubbing at his eyes Draco tried to breathe and swallowing hard, pressing his hands to the side of his head as he tried to stop thinking about the images playing in his mind over and over again.

He hated this, he hated feeling this powerless and unable to do anything anymore. He hated not being able to help, he hated not being able to heal, he hated not being useful at all.

And now even this, even when he was asleep, he was useless and this was something he had no idea how to fix or what to do.

"Draco," Harry said softly. "You alright?"

"I don't know." He said, shifting in place. "I've just been having recurring nightmares."

Harry patted Draco's shoulder gently. He touched brunette's hand and then cupped it, trying to get strength. He considerably relaxed and Harry's thumb softly stroked his skin in a comforting pace. Harry's features softened and he moved closer to the blond.

Draco shrugged; hands curled into the bed sheets. "I don't know. Its..." he struggled to find the right words. "I keep seeing things, things that have happened. Sometimes its other things." he took a deep breath. "I can't really explain. It's all so fucked up, that I don't know how to place it. I was back at the manor; it was so cold and dark-" his voice cracked for a moment and his head bowed.

When a soft touch stroked at his head Draco started and looked up at Harry who had a fond yet sad look on his face.

"It's nightmares, you're just having nightmares." Harry told him. "It's a human thing, sometimes our mind just makes us remember bad things and creates bad things."

"But why?" Draco asked. "What's the point of that? I don't understand."

"I don't know the point of it, sometimes our mind just does it to us." Harry said apologetically. "But for someone who had been through so much, its normal, Draco."

"How do they go away?"

"For good? You can't, it's something that's going to happen no matter what." Harry told him. He curled his arms around Draco, stroking his back softly. He felt the boy shudder beside him, and Harry was pulled closer. "How did neither of them wake up?"

"Silencing charm." Harry explained. "I-I've been meaning to ask, who is Hannah?"

He froze, his eyes wide with fear. Harry moved closer to him, placing his palm against Draco's cheek. "You keep muttering her name, in your sleep." He explained. "I'm curious, love. You haven't told me anything yet, and I was waiting. It seems, you don't want to."

"Nobody," Draco stammered. "I-I can't...I d-don't-

"Hey," He said, softening his features. "It's alright. We'll talk later, just rest for a while okay?"

Draco was worried. He could not entirely banish his own creeping unease. He couldn't bring himself to confide in Harry, despite everything they'd been through together. He wished he could be sure he deserved Harry's faith in him. He wished he could swear to Harry that he had never committed any unforgivable sins. But he could not.

"I-I'm...I-I can't tell." Draco said.

"Draco." Harry said, biting his bottom lip. "I haven't asked you for about a month. You don't tell me anything at all."

"Let it go, Potter." He pleaded, quite harshly. "It's not your concern."

"Love," He said. "If you don't want to talk about it, then don't. I just wanted to know if there was something, you're keeping from me." He sighed. "You clearly are, I don't need to know anything else, seeing as you clearly don't trust me with anything yet." Harry pressed his lips against Draco's temple. "I'll put you to sleep."

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