Chapter Two

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A/N: I have a bloody test today and I was busy with that. This chapter was probably the most easiest to write, because I've replayed this in my mind a million times. Also, I am gonna be making a lot of FRIENDS references, because I can't just NOT mention my favorite show.

Harry was grateful to have Ron Weasley. He didn’t pester him to talk about Malfoy, in fact, he was very supportive about it. Hermione on the other hand, was very conflicted. He’d explained them everything, about how it was for Lucius and that he did not want to join the ‘Dark Side’. Yet she wasn’t very cool about it, constantly reminding him that Malfoy could hold this over us. It was a fine Saturday evening and the duo was playing Mega Mutilation three while Hermione was in the library. Sirius had been skeptical about the PlayStation, but he grew to like it. It took some time to explain it to Ron, he was fascinated by it. He wanted to check out every game. Harry thought they could do Resident Evil series or something, but Hermione did not appreciate them playing all the time. Ron was doing considerably well now. They did play wizard’s chess once in a while, but they were obsessed with the games for a while now. They had even had a sleepless night and Sirius hadn’t been particularly cool about it. Then Harry told him about all the deprivations he had as a child and how he never got to play games unless the Dursley’s went out, even then he was too scared to use Dudley’s games and gadgets. So, he immediately softened and let it go. Remus wanted to watch a movie, but Harry and Ron would always hog the television. So tonight, according to Hermione’s orders, were supposed to watch ‘Casino’ with the others. They didn’t dare to protest, because Hermione Granger was not to be crossed and Remus was quite happy with that. Lupin had also got some muggle treats and Sirius was engrossed in that since morning. The portrait and Kreacher were moaning about filthy muggle technology in their houses and how disgraceful it was, until Sirius, very politely (because Hermione insisted him to stop being rude to Kreacher) asked them to shut up.

“Ah! Muggles and their wits.” A voice spoke behind them. Harry turned his head to face Albus Dumbledore. “Their minds work in the most enthralling ways.”

“Hello Professor. How are you?” Harry asked. He wasn’t entirely happy with Dumbledore, since he had ignored him for a bloody year causing more trouble than required. But Harry had this sudden desire to do as he said, to make Dumbledore proud and happy.

“I do not have the time for formalities my boy.” He said. “We have much important things to discuss.”

Of course, they did.

“Also, I see you have disregarded my wishes for you to stay in Privet Drive?” Dumbledore pointed out.

Harry nodded. There was no chance in hell that he’d go back to the Dursley’s. No. He had to get his belongings from there though, but that wasn’t a lot. He was trying to postpone the visit as much as he could.

“I have absolutely no intention of going back to them, professor.” He replied calmly. Dumbledore clearly did not support the decision, but Harry really didn’t care. Under no circumstances would Harry ever return there unless it was absolutely necessary.

“I see.” He said. “I take it you don’t know the entire prophecy?”


He had only heard ‘The power to Vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…’ before they were interrupted by the death eaters. That made him think of Malfoy and how he had not even hesitated to kill his own father. Now he had left Harry for Lucius bloody Malfoy. Painful.

Dumbledore nodded.

“I kept my distance from you for a year. I though that if I stayed away from you, it would protect you. Now that you’re not possessed anymore, it is necessary that you know. I’m not entirely sure if Voldemort can access your mind entirely, but the threat is much less than before.” He explained.

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