Chapter 4

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*Warning: this chapter contains a lot of girl humor, read on if you dare...
Jade's P.O.V.
Our car pulled into a parking space suspiciously close to the school.
Eliza was squealing her face off with little comments like: "Time for school! Time for school!" Or "It's finally here! Schoooool!" Danny rolled his eyes and groaned, and me, well, I was excited like Eliza, but at the same time I was irritated by the fact that Eliza was turned-on by school. I mean, it's school for crying out loud.
But at the same time, who wouldn't be excited? It's Lrignaf Academy for the Gifted; a high school that is super hard to get into, meaning that you have to have superpowers.
Danny had taken off to meet up with his "gang"; implying that some horrible prank was gonna be pulled by lunch. I mean, that's the only reason they ever meet up in the same place at the same time.
We wandered the parking lot for a while, I mean, school didn't start till another hour ("What if you get stuck first day of school traffic?" Aunt Sally was super paranoid like that).
We had been silent for about ten minutes, wandering aimlessly around the front of the school, when across the courtyard, I spotted the silky mass of red hair that was the one and only Rosie Stronghold.
I tapped on Eliza's shoulder, "Lookie over there," I pointed in Rosie's general direction, "It's Rosie!" Eliza had to squint to see her, even glasses can't let her see everything.
A huge grin spread across her already elated face, causing an incredibly offsetting appearance.
Rosie sat with her back against a large tree, playing with its branches (her power is controlling plants) making them grow in size, from big to small and back again. She didn't notice us come over, which makes sense considering both our powers involve speed (mine is running, as you know, and Eliza's is flying).
I tapped her shoulder, causing her usually very calm body to jump.
"Oh! Jade, Eliza, sorry," she frowned, "I thought you were another weird super-powered boy trying to hook-up with me." She said, obviously still a bit startled, "Anyhow, hi," she waved her delicate hand shyly, not realizing a large flower was mimicking her every move.
"Uh Rosie, you..." Eliza pointed behind her to the now giant flower, "Oh no! Ugh I still cannot get ahold of these powers, and I'm almost 15!" She sighed and rested her chin on her hands, obviously not caring that she was sitting on a large pile of dirt.
Rosie was usually very calm and in control of her powers, so she was either stressed or an never mind, she's just stressed, I mean it is the first day of of superhero school right?
She seemed to calm down a bit, causing her to go back to her normal someone-is-asleep level voice and not the "inside voice" an average person uses.
"Have you seen Kelly today? She texted me saying she was he--" out of the blue, came two hands, coming from a blonde girl about ten feet away covering Rosie's eyes.
"Found her." I said playfully.
Kelly's power was the ability to stretch her limbs over large distances, she could also flatten herself completely.
She removed her hands and stretched over to us almost as fast as I could run, which, is pretty darn fast.
"What's up peeps?" The blonde asked.
"Me," Eliza said as she rose into the air.
"Ha ha." Kelly said trying to sound annoyed, but only half-succeeded.
We laughed and joked just like we did in middle school, but except, we joked about our powers, and not the usual, for now we were at the school for super powered teenagers, so talking about our powers was no longer something we'd have to do in secret, something we'd been doing since fourth grade.
Finally, after a half an hour of me and Eliza playfully bickering about who was faster, the first bell finally rang, it was officially the beginning of the first day of ninth grade at Lrignaf Academy for the Gifted.

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