Chapter 20

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Rosie's P.O.V.
"Where the hell is Amitt?!" I asked Jade frantically after we explained what happened to Eliza to Agent Rally and Agent Jones.
After his little mis-hap Jade, I haven't seen him anywhere, where did he go? Why did he go?
"I have no idea, but I'm sure he'll be back soon," Jade reassured me, "Why, you nervous about you boyfriend?" I felt my cheeks get hot at this comment.
Suddenly, the back door creaked open.
"Hello friends, Jade." Came a familiar voice.
"Amitt!" I squealed and hugged him, "Where in the world have you been?"
He looked--no--glared at Jade, "Just...cooling off a bit." His eyes didn't leave Jade for a second.
"Whoa, brother, are you well? You look rather discomfited," Shadow's constant use of big words scared me, "Where have you been?"
"I said I was cooling down!" He raised his voice.
"Whoa, Amitt, calm down, we were just worried about you," Griffin reasoned, "You were gone for a long time."
"Yeah Amitt, don't get your fur in a bunch," Kelly added, "Pun intended."
The only person who didn't speak was Jade, who was now returning the glare to Amitt.
I walked over to were she was sitting, "Hey Jade, don't beat yourself up, you were good out there," I said, "Great in fact, better than I ever could've done."
"I'm not mad about that," she replied, "I'm pissed because he's acting like I did something wrong, when the instructions Agent Rally and Aun--er--Agent Jones gave us specifically said not to kill her," She sighed and looked down, "Right?"
"I'm also mad because Little Miss Disappear put Eliza in the infirmary." She added.
"Well of course, she's your sister," I said, "Twin sister in fact."
"Fraternal though," she raised her head.
"Of course."
Our laughs were interrupted by Griffin, "Hey Jade, so...I was wondering, you wanna go to the Shun Lee Palace with me know not as a date or anything, just as--"
"I'd love to, Griffin." She sounded a lot more confident than she looked, "What time?" She asked as she pulled out her phone.
" does 8:00 sound?" He asked.
She punched some numbers into her phone, "That's perfect, see ya then." She said without making eye contact.
"Did I just Griffin just ask you out on a date?" Kelly was suddenly next to us, grinning like a fool.
Jade shrugged, "He said not as a date..." Kelly ignored her, and started squealing uncontrollably.
"Omg! Where are you going?" She asked practically falling out of her chair from the amount of bouncing she was doing.
"The Shun Lee Palace..." She replied.
Kelly made a sound like one of those screaming goats on YouTube, "Omg! Omg! That place is super expensive, he must really be into you!"
"It's just Chinese food..."
Kelly looked slightly offended, "Whatever you say." She scoffed.
Kelly and I squeaked and squealed about Jade's latest news, making her incredibly uncomfortable, being that she didn't understand us girly-girls.
We laughed and squealed and Kelly passed out a few times, and the boys eventually joined in on the fun, all except Amitt who simply said, "I'm gonna go take a walk." And left.
The next thing we heard was a earsplitting roar and a loud CRASH!
And everyone went silent.

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