Chapter 5

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Jade's P.O.V.
"So where to first?" Rosie asked in her soft voice as we wandered aimlessly down the crowded hallway of the school. And, weirdly enough, I saw Danny, guess it's Ferris Bueller's day in.
"Says here in the handbook Eliza gave me that we need to head to the gym for evaluation," Kelly said looking rather confused. evaluation? What does heck does that mean?
After a few seconds of us looking confused, Eliza cut in, "It means that they're gonna test our skills to see what classes we do and don't need to take." Eliza said rolling her eyes. My sister is such a know-it-all.
"Well than what are we waiting for?" I asked playfully putting my arms around Kelly and Rosie's shoulders. I winked at Eliza, she did the same back, "To the gym!" She shouted and flew off with me trailing behind on foot. It was kinda hard to keep up with the extra weight I was carrying, but I managed to get to the gymnasium in less than a minute.
Best. Gym. Ever.
To the left of the entrance sat the freshmen, and boy there were a lot! They all sat waiting in the stands. Some were confused, some were bored, but most of them were dead excited, including me.
To the right, on the opposite side of the gym, sat the sophomores, juniors, and the seniors, all looking anxious to see this years bunch.
Rosie, Kelly, Eliza, and I were all seated next to each other, which I was happy about, it was way to early to have to meet someone new, so being near them made me think I wouldn't have too.
I was wrong.
He must be able to shadow travel or something, because one moment he wasn't there and the next he was, it was freaky.
He wore a black beanie over his dark brown hair, he had dark clothes covering his entire body, giving the sort of goth look to him.
"Just because I wear dark clothes doesn't make me goth." He said in a surprisingly joking tone making me jump. "So stop staring at me as if I've just arrived from another planet," it seemed like a joke, but it was hard not to hear the hurt in his voice.
"Uh, sorry, it's just uh...who are you?"
"My parents gave me the name Lucifer, for reasons I still until I fathom why, I've dubbed myself Shadow, Shadow Jackson."
"Mysterious," I said jokingly.
"Yes, it is, but on a more serious note, whom might you be?" He asked with a grin.
"Jade, Jade Waco." I said with a smile.
His expression was dull, then playful, then he said, "Hmm, intriguing...Jade Waco..." He seemed to be wondering something complicated in his obviously incredibly smart brain.
Before I could reply, a booming voice came from the middle of the gym.
"Welcome! Welcome, welcome, freshman. And welcome back the rest of you, it's time to start evaluation." It was a male voice, cheerful but loud, and get this: when I looked down he wasn't even holding a microphone!
"In case you weren't aware, I'm Coach Porter, the at this school." His face was a bit red, he was obviously new, which made me happy, Danny has had some bad experience with the coach old coach last year, so at least this one won't be onto Eliza and I.
"The first thing we're going to do is evaluate our 9th graders, for those of you who don't know what that means, what we're gonna do is...uh..." The coach was scarlet, a few snickers came from the audience around, I even heard Kelly stifle a small laugh.
Someone else walked up and stood next to Coach Porter, and this guy was holding a microphone.
"That'll be all Coach," He said blankly, and the coach walked off.
"Anyway, today we will be holding evaluation, where we will observe the skills of our newest friends from across the pond, the freshman!"
An earsplitting roar echoed across the gym, the freshmen where cheering, rambunctiously.
"Okay, okay we get it, your excited, we all are! So without further ado, let evaluation, begin!" Again the freshmen howled, but this time the sophomores, juniors, and seniors joined in, which made the sound almost deafening.
So initiation began; they called every single freshman in alphabetical order down in the middle of the gym by last name, meaning Eliza and I would be one of the last.
The first name I recognized was 'Kelly Anderson', who was hysterical when she showed her abilities. Not because she meant too, but because everyone was in high spirits, and her power was just fun to watch. With all twists and turns and super-stretchy stuff.
Then there where others, this guy named Marcus with cool water powers, who Eliza really seemed to like, then after, a couple kids I didn't know, Shadow went, he had freaking shadow powers. Then some other kids went, then Rosie, then some more, this went on for a while, then Eliza finally had her turn.
And then it was mine.

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