Chapter 15

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Jade's P.O.V.
The Jackson family is cursed.
Amitt is in the hospital, Griffin is a cyborg...and Ivory is...dead. And apparently so is another child. Along with the fact that apparently, their dad has polio and is in a wheelchair.
Yep there's no doubt about it, that family is cursed.
God, we cannot catch a break today.
Also, I'm grounded for life.
But some good things did come out of this crappy day.
I got and e-Mail from the school saying they were gonna change my classes.
Which could only mean that Principal Rally was proud of us.
The e-Mail also said that I had detention tomorrow.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed.
It was a text from Kelly.
We're sneaking over to the hospital to see Amitt, u in?
I replied immediately with:
Im in.

Rosie's P.O.V.
They probably heard me crying in Siberia.
The hospital told us all that we had to go home after Amitt arrived, with the exception of Shadow and Griffin of course, since they are his family.
I've spent the last half hour sobbing in my room, asking the lord if Amitt would be okay.
At exactly 3:13 A.M. I got my answer.
I was laying in bed, not asleep, just laying there, when my phone suddenly buzzed.
It was Kelly.
"Hello? Kelly?" I whispered, trying to hide my sobs.
"Rosie! Is that you?"
"Okay, meet me at my house in 5," she said.
"What? Why?" I asked, puzzled by her sudden request.
"I'll explain you get here," I could just hear her roll her eyes.
"Okay then, I'll be there soon," I said.
"You better be," She said then hung up.
I put on the darkest clothes I had (which was only very, very dark blue), and climbed out of the window onto the cold hard pavement (that is now covered in moss).


I hate you Kelly.
When I got to Kelly's place, Jade and Eliza were already there.
"They just have super-speedy powers," She kept saying, but from the mischievous look in her eyes, I could tell that they had been informed about this way before I did.
"Whatever Kelly, let's just get going, we don't have all night." I said rather annoyed.
"Alright, alright sassy-pants," She rolled her eyes, "Let's get a move on."
We Escher used our powers to Saint Gabriel's Emergency Health Center, me using tree branches as a vehicle, Kelly just stretched, Jade ran, and Eliza flew, it was very awkward and silent.
"What if someone um...without powers is to see us?" Eliza asked.
"Don't worry, it's dark no one will," She assured, not sounding completely sure.
"Well what about villains?" Eliza added, "No doubt they'll be after us after the uh...incident today," She stopped and crossed her arms. But then she did something unexpected, she fell to the ground.
And then so did I.

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