Chapter 13

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Jade's P.O.V.
I didn't mean to nearly get Griffin Jackson killed.
After I recovered from my trip to the bleachers, I decided to take yet another trip to the principal.
And boy was he pissed about it.
"You should have came straight to my office as soon as the wall came down!" He yelled, furious.
"Well excuse me, but Principal Rally, we had it under control, Rosie Stronghold took down the Scorpion-Guy!" I crossed my arms, we had it under control! Mostly...
"It doesn't matter! Mr. Jackson still got hurt!" His bottom lip was quivering rapidly.
He took a deep breath and sighed, "Okay, now who did you say attacked?" He asked, obviously still angry.
"I dunno their names, but one of them reminded me of a scorpin, and the other wore a hood, they both had a red R printed on their outfits." I said.
His eyes widened, and he suddenly looked worried, not mad, "Take me there, now." He said urgently.
When we got there, Scorpion and Hoodie were gone, and everyone was crowded around Griffin.
"Out of my way!" Principal Rally said as he pushed through Kelly and Eliza.
"You!" He pointed at Kelly, "You go get Nurse Carter now." He said impatiently.
Kelly squealed and stretched her way out of the gym. Why? I have no clue.
"Everyone else, help me with Griffin!" We all pulled with all our might, yet still could only get him a few feet without stopping and panting.
"God Griffin, you way like 600 pounds," I huffed.
"601 actually," Shadow corrected.
"WE DON'T CARE!" We all yelled, including Principal Rally.
"Fine, fine." He rolled his eyes.
Seriously, not necessary at the moment.


Nurse Carter is good.
She was able to patch Griffin up faster than Shadow could say, "We require assistance!"
Also, word here spreads like wildfire.
Elias Reach, is apparently Griffin's best friend.
"Omfg, is he okay?" He continually asked me.
"Does he look okay?" I replied after the 7th time he asked me, "His chest is torn open, he's missing an eye, one of his hands are gone, and who knows what else?" I asked, obviously quite flustered.
"Okay whatever, freshman." He raised his hands up in surrender.
"I have a name you know," I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, but I don't care," he said and rolled his eyes as well.
"What's your power anyway?" I asked, my nostrils flaring.
"I can reverse gravity in any given area, or any given thing," he said nonchalantly.
"Huh," I huffed, "So you can cheat at flying?" I asked, trying to sound unimpressed by a totally badass power.
"And telekinesis," he smirked as I rose from the ground.
"Ah, ahhh! Put me the hell down!" I screamed, I don't like heights.
"Fine, fine." He smirked and let me fall.
"Ugh! I ha-" I was cut off by Nurse Carter.
"According to the stories I heard you were uh...slammed against the bleachers?" She asked.
"Uh...yeah." I stammered.
Nurse Carter sighed, "Come with me then." She said as she walked into her office, I followed.
"It's fine, it's fine go to class, I just need to mend up Miss Waco here and she'll be on her way." Nurse Carter said to all the kids crowded around Griffin, weirdly enough Amitt wasn't there, what else could he be doing at the moment?
Eliza walked out slowly, constantly looking back.
"You too, other Miss Waco." She said sounding irritated.
Eliza frowned but obeyed, it's her law to follow teachers instructions.
"Okay, let's get get this over with," she said. Suddenly, I heard a moan.
"I guess someone has decided to wake up," Nurse Carter said jokingly.
"Ugh, what happened?" Griffin groaned.
"You died, I got the principal, then Nurse Carter over here revived you." I said, mostly to myself.
"And why are you here?" He asked.
"Hoodie threw me into the bleachers, remember?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Right, right," he moaned.
We were silent for a while as Nurse Carter mended me, apparently, I was more hurt than I thought.
"Hey can ask you a personal question?" I asked Griffin after Nurse Carter left to get something.
"Depends, what is it?" He asked, smiling.
"Why are you a cyborg?" I asked shyly.
His smile faded, "Hmm, okay, since I can trust you on the battlefield, I can trust you to tell no one what I'm about to tell you, right?" He asked.
I laughed "Whatever you say, bucko."
"Well, okay, it was about 5 years ago," he began, "My sister Ivory and I were headed to a student council meeting at our middle school." He said in a calm tone. "Someone had placed a bomb in the car, but of course, we didn't know that." He paused for a second, lost in thought, then continued, "it was set to trigger when I opened the door, but instead..." his voice faltered.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," I said, kinda dissapointed, but hey I get it, I'm like this when I tell people how my parents died.
"N-no, it's fine, I just...anyway, back to the story," he continued.
"So instead of the bomb blowing up when I opened the door, it blew up on Ivory." His voice dithered.
"I was close enough to be hit by the blast, but not close enough for it to kill...well, at least not someone as strong as me," He stammered, "But Ivory..." He sniffed, then continued, "There was no body, only a bit of ash and a necklace," he pulled a metal necklace out of his pocket, it should have been beautiful, but now it was just melted metal around a ring. "I keep it with me, for good luck and all that superstitious stuff.
"So anyway, when I got to the hospital, the nurses were convinced I would die, only my heart, one liver, my brain, and some bones were salvaged, the rest was just burned skin." He groaned, obviously still in pain from the attack earlier.
"So a little while later, my parents got a call from some government agents, saying that they were trying a new experiment, and that I was the perfect candidate, considering my condition." A small tear was visible near his left eye, seeing Griffin cry? scratch that off the bucket list.
"My parents were desperate, they didn't want to lose three children, so they agreed, not realizi--"
"Wait, three kids?" I cut him off.
"Sorry, that's another story I'm not willing to share, but anyway..." He continued, "My parents had no idea what they'd gotten themselves into." He looked down, "So, when I retuned from treatment, they were pretty surprised to find that 90% of me was robot, and the other 10% was human." He looked back up at me, "So, any questions?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, one actually," I replied.
"Fire away."
"O-okay, so did they give you any powers along with your body?" I asked.
"Yes, laser eyes, super strength, immunity to poison, resistance to fire, and a gun I can replace my right hand with," he replied.
"So, anything else?" He asked.
"Okay then, what about you? What's your story?" He asked, taking me by surprise.
"Oh uh..." His question took me by surprise, "Uh well, it was in 6th grade, on the first day of school and my parents were taking a picture...when suddenly I heard two guns fire, and my parents fell to the ground." I said quickly, I really didn't want to go over it again, "Eliza and I screamed, we ran, and I was scarred for life, end of story." I said the last part in a sharp tone, I really don't like talking about it.
Griffin raised an eyebrow, "Who killed your parents?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I think he was called Assassin or something, I dunno, I was too busy screaming in agony to hear what the policeman was saying." I answered.
"Why did they kill your parents?" He asked.
"Dunno I was screaming," I said crossing my arms.
"When did you move in with your aunt?" He asked.
"How did you know that?!" I asked.
"My mom works with your aunt at Party Painters Supplies & Co.," he said nonchalantly.
"Wait, really, how do you know?"
"Is your aunt Sally Jones?" He asked.
"Yeah..." I said.
"That's her, now when did you move in with her?" He asked.
"A couple months later, after I got over the fact that I was moving from state to state." I said.
"You didn't live in New York before?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No, Eliza and I used to live in Texas," I said, annoyed.
"Hm." He was lost in thought again.
The nurse walked in, with Eliza, Aunt Sally, and Uncle Rick at her heels.
"Sorry sweetie, Principal Rally wanted everyone at the scene to go home," she said rolling her eyes, "Griffin, your parents will be here soon." She gave a cheesy smile, and walked back to her desk.
"Eliza told us everything, Jade Marie Waco, your in big trouble." Aunt Sally was furious, "Let's go." She said, her voice cracking.
Great, my first day of school and I'm already in loads of trouble.

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