Dare #9

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@katelynleis UPDATE!!!! UPDATE!!!! UPDATE!!!! UPDATE!!! Have Jeff steal Toby's waffles.


Jeff: *steals Toby and Robins waffles, runs away*

Toby: F- FUCKER, GET B- BACK HERE!! *grabs hatchets, chases after him*

Robin: MY BABIES!! YOU TH- THEIF!!!! *grabs bow running after them*

Silent: *eating cheesecake* What's their problem?

Hoodie: I think Jeff stole thier waffles.

Silent: They do know that those are expired, right?

Hoodie: Nope.

Silent: *shrugs* Oh well.

Robin: *shoots arrow, pins Jeff to wall*

Jeff: I'M SORRY!! TAKE THEM!! *drops them on floor*

Toby: M- MY BABIES!!!! *hugs them all, cries* You k- killed them... YOU KILLED THEM!!!!

Robin: ):< Be happy Britt's m- my bffl. Come on Toby, they're still e- edible!

Toby: YAY!!! *grabs them, rushes back to kitchen shoving them in mouth*


Toby: *squeaks* S- Sorry boss! *sits down on couch, grabs crutches*

Silent: *trying to cut cheesecake with only one arm* meh....

Hoodie: *feeds her* You must be planning a ton of murders, having your dominate arm broken like that. Not to mention your right knee and left ankle...

Silent: Shut up and help me to the living room. Dx

Hoodie: *sigh* Alright sweety. *unlocks chair, wheels her into living room locking wheelchair in place*

Dr.Smiley: I told you all to not move around to much! Why can't you honor the doctor's wishes?! Sometimes i wonder why i stick around!

Silent: Hey, i respect you! You're the one who taught me everything i know about the human body! (not in the wrong way) Smiley-sempi....

Dr.Smiley: *sigh* Not you Silent. Unlike the others, i trust you.

Puppeteer: *walks in* Hi! I got a new puppet!

Silent: *shakes slightly, whispers* please no....

Puppeteer: *has his awesomely awesome golden threads attach to Silent* TA-DA!!! I saved her life, so she's mine for the rest of the week!

Slendy: What did you do this time Silent?

Silent: I um.... tried to fly??? *scratches neck awakardly*

Slendy: *grows taller, dark aura surrounds him*

Silent: Help! D'x

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