Dare #11

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@silverstampycat123 Silent kill Puppeteer in the scaries way possible. Jeff stitch your smile. Slender be a cat. Zelda to try and drown BEN.


Silent: *working on a potion* Let's try this.... *smiles evily, pours liquid in Slendy's tea* Now, to deal with Puppeteer now that i can walk again....

Slendy: *drinks tea, turns into cat* What the hell?! *hisses*

Silent: *walks into Puppeteer's room, throws knives at him pinning him to wall*

Puppeteer: what the hell SIlent?!

Silent: Shut up. You're just a giant puppet. Cut your strings.... and you're totally useless.

Puppeteer: You wouldn't dare....

Silent: Oh, i dare. *uses spell that makes his golden threads visible* Now, which one to cut first? This one looks good! *cuts one of threads, arm hangs uselessly at side*

Puppeteer: That all you got?

Slendy: Once i found who did this.... *fur stands on end*

EJ: Jeff, sit still! I can't fix it if you keep squirming around!! *sews smile closed* There.

Jeff: My smile.... i was so beautiful....

BEN: Jackie, help! *hides behind him* Zelda found her way here and is trying to drown me!! *glitches*

Silent: *has cutten all of Puppeteer's strings* Now, for the finishing touch. *throws him in giant blender with strawberries, bananas, chocolate, ice, milk, and other good foods* Have fun~~~ *turns blender on highest setting*

Zelda: Ah, there you are! *knocks everyone in room out, drags BEN by ear to bathroom* Come now, you're turn!

BEN: *pissed off now* DoN't EvEn TrY iT.

Zelda: You shouldn't have tried to drown me in the first place impostinator. *runs bath, shoves BEN's face in water*

BEN: *teleports through phone in his pocket, ends up behind her* MaYbE i ShOuLd AcTuAlLy TrY tHiS tImE. *grabs Zelda's hair, shoves head under water*

SIlent: *turns blender off, pours glasses for everyone* Everyone, i made breakfast!!

Slendy: *walks into room*

Silent: Oh, so THAT'S what the potion does!! I need to record that down.... *leaves*

Slendy: Silent, get back here!! *chases after her*

Puppeteer's soul: now i must make another puppet.....

Sally: Is it just me, or does this have a tint of evil in it?

Jeff: Yeah, but it makes it taste better. I wonder where Silent found a soul this evil...

Sally: Yeah... *shrugs* meh. It tastes good! *finishes smoothie*

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