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It means no.


I was in utter disbelief when he proposed me, my brain was not able to register up the happenings in my surrounding.
Of course I needed some fresh air to breathe as past played in front of my eyes like some sort of movie.

It has not been long time when I and my mom had a heated arguement over some filthy issue and later on she went blabbering like, when I will not be here mean I will die then you will learn to respect my importance in your life.

I too had replied angrily at that moment, "yes and for sure you will too remember my words when I would be no longer alive in your so called this world."  

After this she hugged me crying and said , "never drop shits like this from your mouth onwards."  And started telling me darshan's condition after his mom died  three years ago.

He never showed infront of anyone but always felt her absence and sobbed in alone behind the closed doors soaking pillow with his shedded tears out of regret and utter grief.

My legs hit door then realisation hit me that indirectly or directly I am rejecting him and his proposal. I never want to be the reason for anybody's pain, either physical or emotional.

I turned back and saw tears streaming down from his eyes, nearly jogging I went towards him. Wiping his tears off, I pinched his nose and said, "so this was the reason behind becoming crybie raval, isn't it?"

He nodded in yes in faint voice. I made him balance himself properly, hugged him tightly and whispered I LOVE YOU TOO in his ear.

I can sense him smiling , he moved one arm away from me and  wiped more tears from the back of my hand.

I told him to get freshen up after that we will go out for eating together. He smiled and nodded, as Ibwas about to leave he held my wrist and hugged me again.

I cam back to my room, sleeping on my stomach, hiding my face in pillow, I cried emptying all the guilts for telling lie to darshan that I love him. In reality, I just consider him as my good friend. I do not believe in having best friends, as I am unable to consider someone as best friend. Before I am about to consider  someone my bestfriend they backstabb me.

I am scared when he will come to know that I lied to him, he will suffer from worst . I just lied to bring a smile on his fave but now it seems that it will bring the worst in future.

I woke up when my phone's ring tone pierced through my ear, I answered the call, " yes darshan I am coming to open the door, yes, actually when I slept even I did not realised, yes it seems that anju has not arrived yet."

I opened the door, rubbing my eyes curling my palm into fist, to reveal, raval completely ready for our date. If I was some other girl or say that if I was truly in love with him, I must have swooned over his looks.

I asked for 10 mintues to get freshen up while he waited in my bedroom. Applying little bit of make up to prevent  my face from looking deprived of laughter since a long time due to remorse of betraying him from my words.

We started our drive from apartment to one of the best hotels for dinner. I was trying to smile on ride, my lips were aching out of smiling forcibly.

Yes, I am supposed to bear all this kind of pain as like others I am cheating with him by lying. Everyone prefers to get hurt by truth words instead of getting happiness on false words.  I have snatched away his rights from him, right of knowing the truth.

I will keep this secret always a secret as it will be more painful to him.

As we reached our destination, he stepped out of car and gestured me to stop as I was, he opened the door for me and bending a bit moved inside and slid a ring in my fingers.

This time tears dropped from my eyes  out of guilt.  He asked, "what happened?"
I replied , "love."


VOTES ★★★★ and COMMENTS please.

Sorry for late update. Thank you, love you!

What do you think whether prisha's decision was right or not?

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