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Happy Holi to all of you!

I had earlier planned to update atleast two of the books today, but see I can't due to insufficient time.

Promise to do update of another book tomorrow.

So tell me if you can guess, which another book it will be whose update I will be giving to you?
1. H for Her
2. Meant to be broken
3. Encounter with death

As I am nyctophilic, so I should be working in my studio, but here I am all cuddled up in my bed under cozy duvet with fluffy soft pillows, after a refreshing soothing shower to calm down my emotions.

If I think about past I have never been this turned on in my entire life. Yes, also I have never been involved in sexual activities but that doesn't ensures that I was saint.

I guess I have this sweet felling as sweet as fructose due to admiration, adoration towards her. My bath salts and bodywash also smells so sweet today, my thoughts are being so cheesy, yet it's honestly what I feel.

Submerged in the depth of ocean of almost benthic zone which is full of  desire, temptation, affection, care for me at least, I decided drop text to her, inspite she may not read them at the instant.

Reach home safe.
Give me a call when you exit.
Wishes to you.
Love you!!!
Lots of!

Smiling at my idiocy of my current reflex action of my thoughts, switched off the bedside lamp and turned my phone's screen away from me, to avoid my inner turmoil for waiting for her reply.

Cause I know of course, it's not like that, that she would go and start operating him/her, there must be freaking hundred of process before that.

I closed my eyes to provide eternal peace, sleep, soothe my soul for today's night, gazing beautiful star constellation, yet I do not recognize them, they provide what I seek.


I woke up and yawned 3-5 times in a stretch, so I decided to sleep again, but my gaze fell on clock hanging on the wall, shouting silently. I ditched my plan of sleeping again as I have to do some important meetings, and I think I should cook something in breakfast for her, as she will be coming late.

On thought of her arrival, either early or late, instantly I started hunting for my phone. As soon as I found it unlocked it to see few texts from her.

         Okay for sure!
Love you so... much....
Kisses and hugs both...

I grinned like a two year kid who has got tootsie pops without even asking for it. Mind drfited to childhood memories, how we are crazy for small things and how those thing mattered to us that moment. Craziness never ends, it just converts towards one to another. Irony!

Mint toothpaste was applied on extrasoft bristles of toothbrush and after few strokes I rinsed it out with cold water. After bathing I wore sleeveless hoodie so that whatever I cook doesn't gets smeared all over.

After brainstorming, what to cook and what to not, I settled down with oats, of course it's healthy and I think easy and quick too, cause she called me when I descending from staircase.

After tying the string of cooking apron properly, I kept milk to boil and started chopping fresh fruits for dressing and high nutrients. After measuring amount of oats to be cooked along with milk, I added salt, cinnamon, cardamom to make it taste more better.

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