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I looked at her, when she shook

"Where are you lost? Are you giving a damn, about what I am blabbering since past few minutes?"

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I even didn't registered her words.

"Sorry! Will you repeat please?" I tried my best to coo her and she smiled, which means I am forgiven.

"It's absolutely okay, darshan. But now listen carefully and suggest me what to do. My younger cousin brother, probably in 12th standards has been cutting his hand past few months."

"First, I assumed it's some sort of prank or what so ever. But after seeing more pictures I am quite sure that he cuts his hand below elbow, not at one place only and he also cuts once, twice, thrice and many more time at same spot. If this continues, he may also take some suiciding attmepts because of some foolish love story."

I pondered over her words and reached same conclusion, but how come we can decide it's love matter, not something else.

"What makes you think that it's love story?"

"And what makes you think it is not? It's very clear like crystal. Any adolescent of that age won't  cut his hand due to parents or due to degradation of grades. If grades or parents would be reason , he would just simply cut his hand, won't right alphabets with punctuation marks," she replied, a hint of annoyance in her tone clearly reflected.

Am I this idiot to miss these big clues, or my brain cells stop functioning properly around her,  in order to embarass me.

I nodded, lacking words in her agreement.

"Talk to his parents, alert them about his actions, may be they are not aware of it!"

She was quite happy after talking to her aunt. Possibly she would make her son understand importance of her life. She went bathroom just after, so I couldn't ask her about that.

She came outside in a bathrobe and was searching for her attire. When she came out bathroom was all dark.

"Did you switched on the lights while you were in?"

"No, why?"

"Why you didn't? You may have slipped down. How will you distinguish between bodywash and hairwash even? "

"Why waste time in useless things like this, switching off and on lights? "

She broke into fits of laughter thereafter. And I was gawking at her like a fool.

I was thinking sincerely about this, like who saves time by doing these kind of activities? Now I think, I still don't know much about her.

God knows, what could be other possible things from which she might be saving time.

"And one more thing, darshan, I have all of my sense organs functioning properly so I can distinguish between two or more variants easily."

"Okay?," it sounded more like an interrogative sentence rather than imperative one.

"Hey! Don't worry. I will train you, how to do this after all you are my only one single piece branded most cutest husband."



Exhaling inhaling deeply, I tried to forget those words.

But after that she had blown a kiss and that was so heart melting gesture, but it would have been much better if it was lip to lip.

DARSHAN and his CONSORTWhere stories live. Discover now