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She will think me as a cheap boy ..
Meanwhile I took the sunglass which she had given me earlier to hide my identity and as I was about to wear I noticed it's gucci's aviator wowww. Why one will give a stranger such expensive things? I need to stop thinking on this matter else she will drive my crazy. My trace of thoughts were broken abruptly by jyugal as he said in which thought you are engrossed we have entered Gujarat border and still you are like mannequin.
I looked outside and found its night as we started at 8'o clock it was obvious to be night and now I will have to drive a bit faster in order to reach about 11 or 12 pm. So I focused completely on road listening my playlist.


I reached at 10:48 exactly after exhausting long journey promising myself once again to not travel by road and especially by driving car myself. There was no use of having her by my side as she slept whole way after we exchanged seats. I greeted my parents , ate cupcakes some sweets went to my room . Don't think that anju is my sister instead she is my only friend and I am only child of my parents. Instead of giving her guestroom I forced her to sleep with me since I know she is a good bed partner , no not in that way but you can cuddle with her as per your preferences , you can partially climb on her , can sandwich her legs and whatever you can think of . We both changed into my clothes . She slept while I kept reading novel until I slept .


Pappa called me and asked how much more time it will take I replied only 25 minutes or even less than that this means I will be reaching at 11: 30 pm. Wooaaahhhhh!!! Man I reached home at 11:28 and shaked jyugal to get off the car . He woke up rubbing his eyes I hit him on shoulder playfully. I saw pappa doing me that so I said it was dust there so I was just removing it and he smiled skeptically. We went inside got fresh and had dinner . I greeted dad good night and he asked me to stay for a while , he said I should sleep early as we have to got to go for his friend's son wedding. And journey will be long as venue is Double trew by hilton . Whatever and I am not going to sing there my first condition, and he agreed to my words . I can't expect more I love him . I went to my room scrolled instagram for I don't know how much time and drifted to sleep.

Next morning


I woke up at 8 am as I had cancelled all appointments for next 4 days and saw anju dressing up. What is that can't you sleep some more . You are not in your in-laws where you are supposed tl wake up early and cook for everyone . Come and sleep.


Aunty has been calling you for hours , she needs to talj something with you by the way our favourite breakfast has been cooked will you get bathed or will eat as this.


No yuck ! I can brush at least and you know that. I quickly jumped out of my bed and took shower and dressed myself properly in black sweatpants and black full sleeved t shirt as if dad sees with improper dress from his perspective I will have to attend another lecture even after completing my all education . I tried to pull my hair neatly into braids or ponytail but I was successful in none so I clipped it from one side leaving it for later and went downstairs for whatever important conversation.

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