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As said by dad I have to go with him in evening for a party as I know he loves me to take out with him, I had no choice of saying no inspite my all 650 muscle ached for rest. My mom tried to safeguard me by saying "she has came yesterday night let her take rest atleast and let me spent time with me , your father daughter duo is always on priority " . But dad stopped her by saying we are born to be on top and I giggled at his statement while smashing mummy into hug.

I called anju we ate breakfast after dad went to his hospital , as usual he was late atleast by 1 hr like seriously are not doctors supposed to punctual . But let it be he is my dad when he wants he makes it on time perfectly . We went upstairs after chatting with mom for straight 3 hours , I decided to take a nap as I saw her watching Indian dailysoaps and even among them naagin. Hell seriously how can someone believe in this. But since I don't want to ruin her mood I handed her my bluetooth headphone to avoid unwanted sound.


I woke up early at 7, went morning walk with dad as if I said no he would think I am getting careless about my health. He doesn't believes that gymming and work out is just show off.
I ate breakfast, my special black coffee , played some tunes on my guitar and decided to get ready.

As we have to go a bit long distance and honestle I take more time than normal person to get decked up. I went through my closet to search my outfit for today. After struggling for good 25 minutes I found one and it's perfect. I styled my hair after 13 attempts but look was worth it . After applying whatever I see my stylist using on me I put almost all of them on me and to wonder I look hot . It was 5pm when I chose my shoes and went downstairs where dad was waiting for me .

I opened passenger window for pappa and I settled myself on driver seat and began driving . After driving in a lot of traffic congestion we managed to reach there at 8:45 pm . It wasn't that late but even not too early I smiled thinking this unknowingly when pappa asked will you be seat like idle here smiling at nothing ? I smiled and get off from car and went with him inside the hotel . It looked nice in color combination of lights, flowers and curtains .

I settled myself in a corner with a softdrink as I don't know most of them. But it was no longer when dad called me to meet some of his friends which I do recognise from my memory.


I left anju with mom as they both have good time together and went with dad after getting ready in red wine knee length 3/4th sleeved dress. I paired it up white sneakers and let my hair fall through my shoulders till waist in it's natural curls. I applied some makeup on my face as I don't know how to do that and waved mom good bye. She wished me for a good journey.

On our ride dad as usual dad began his questions about my personal and professional life. Not satisfied from my answer he asked you do job only two days sunday and wednesday kid how will you become successful , work hard to earn fame and respect. I replied with slight stern in my voice dad I just work for money, and because I can't sit idle for long and by the way that's why I decided to cardiologist so that even 1 surgery in month would be far enough for my sustainance and I am paid very well 30,00,000 atleast per surgery and cost of travel and stay. And I get 7 to 8 surgeries per month , leave this we will talk about it once we reach home.

We emetered party and as usual I began greeting his friends and their better halves by touching their feet seeking for blessings . After some good 5 mintue of this process while I was talking with some of his friend he again called me, to greet " rajendra uncle I did as per his instruction I was about to go when he again called me to touch feet of his son as he is elder to me what a statement!! Great . But I couldn't deny as others will think me as of a disobedient girl so I proceeded taking slowest possible steps.


I remember how he once asked me to greet some daughter of my long distance relationship of my own cousin sister. When I got confirmed about the girl from my mother we confronted dad and his response was hillarious. If she is younger doesn't her heart desires some respect, then mom replied  to go by himself not her child .

He was standing  about 5 foot away his back towards me , I was mentally cursing him for standing like statue but I kept walking and this time was looking like eternity.

You can check my another story H FOR HER .
I know I should have not stopped story at this point but I love to engage my readers. Don't worry I will update it tomorrow itself , till then vote ★★★ and comment . Loads of love.

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