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I strode towards our room tip-toed. My heartbeat is way too loud, it's echo being audible to me. She must be safe cause I left her sleeping then what could possibly happen? She must be safe...

She has to be safe, no matter what, cause I am not going tolerate this kind of negligence and attentiveness. I opened the door and saw her lying on the mattress with her forlimbs and hindlimbs apart. I got relieved when I realised that she has been sleeping whole time.

But, wait who sleeps this long.

Don't ask such type of irrational questions, cause the person who sleeps this long is present here and now, still sleeping.

She won't realise if someone would invade in our house. Such a heavy-sleeper. I flicked on the lights in attempt of waking her up, but little did she flinched, no she hadn't....

Her hairs were wide spread on cushions and sheets and her rosy cheeks looked inevitably kissable but seeing in her sound sleep, I avoided to wake her up, and proceeded on my own.

While towel drying my hair, I came out of bathroom wearing pants and under-shirt, I saw her sitting her on bed with her buried in her arms which were crossed.

I asked her mocking, "did I wake you up, sweetheart?" She lifted her head and nodded in no and said, "no, actually I woke up on my own, don't feel guilty for that, and what time it is? Do we have enough time to prepare food, or should I order it from restaurant?"

I stared at her in disbelief. How come she slept whole time without a single ounce of fear that someone may break into house and now when she is awake, she is asking me about dinner? Like seriously! She even didn't asked how did I come inside or whatever, so, not wondering much I asked her pouring my curiosity, hiding my concern and extreme worry for her and faking anger so to avoid this next time.

"It's very obvious, my dear husband, that your house has strong security system, so a big no to intruders, yes I am sorry for being such a pain for sleeping whole time, and yes I did knew when your arrived but when I realised it was just you then again I slept. Sorry! But I had told you, hadn't I, that I love sleeping and can sleep anywhere, anytime like it's my profession and passion from which I can't keep myself separated. Now, can I be honoured by knowing what you desire to eat."

Partially satisfied by her response, I nodded my head and we both searched through rows of various restaurant, coonfused what should we order, after quarter of an hour we settled for roasted vegetables, a vegetable bowl with brown rice and salads for side. I clapped hands in excitement of finishing this tedious task and we both sat in living room thinking of ways to spent the time which would be taken eventually to deliver food.

She questioned me teasing, "you were afraid for me weren't you"? and then hide her head in the cushions present their while laughing like as if someone had tickled her hard.

'It seems so funny to you, isn't it?' I said while faking as if I am on verge of crying. She walked from her position to me and sat on my lap and whispered in my ear softly, "I am sorry and I meant it." wiping the tears that had not rolled down and this act stole my heart once again.

I wonder at times, how am I alive if she had stolen my only heart this much times.

Before I could response to her little tease act, the doorbell rang announcing arrival of our food, she went to pick it up while I arranged dishes to serve. While we enjoyed our dish, she asked me about our day and I told her in detail.

She finished her food much earlier than me, it didn't got unnoticed by me that she hadn't ate upto her appetite. She is looking too pale. Is she sick or what cause yes, she loves to sleep, but who sleeps 10-12 hours in a stretch.

Before I could bombard her with my questions, she excused herself and took our plates to sink, while I cleaned other mess we had created. I sat on the kitchen countertop and asked her about her night shift without emphasising on her health.

It was absolutely normal until she told me that she donated a unit of blood to an emergency case in which doctors thought that she won't need blood but ended up being in crisis due to some very slight cut, so it had to be compensated by hospital's side. Because her friend was also in operating team members, she did that and it also doesn't matters whether whose fault it is, unless lives are being saved.

Again I questioned her, "at what time you donated your blood?" Not wishing that her response meets my expectation.

She shrugged and said calmly, "uhmm, may be 5 minutes before coming home. Does it matters, what matters is that, she is safe now." And them she smiled, and my anger raged inside me. Not able to control myself, I stepped down and moved her towards me and seethed in anger that could probably burn forests in miles, "do you know, what could have happened to you, you may have felt dizziness, you may have hurt yourself in accident, do you know how much you matter to me and I don't dare to lose you because of lame excuses, and I don't want to hear one too."

She stepped more closer to me, vanishing the space between us, leaned her head and again whispered in my ear, her breaths hitting my earlobe, "did something happened, no, cause I won't let anything hurt me, don't worry, just know that I will be always there for you standing beside you."

"And don't hear my lame excuses cause I am not gonna make one." Then she backed off a bit and leaned in again and pressed her soft, warm lips onto mine. At first I resisted cause I was still angry for this irresponsible behaviour, I can't even dare to think what would have happened if something had happened to her. But all my resolution vanished when she bite my lower lips and I gave in.

I was glad that I gave in cause it's the best feeling, heavenly feeling when she explored my mouth, when she wanted dominance in our ferocious kiss, when she desired to take control over me and my lips.

Air was knocked out of my lungs, and when we parted from each other for a moment then only I realised that we are no longer in kitchen, but we are in living room on our couch, while she was above me doing wonders to my mouth and heart. Thinking about this blissful moment once again I captured her lips with mine one with a strong and new determination.

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I love you all.....

I wish I could give you more updates but trust me life in medical colleges aren't as easier as others think...

And I feel like writing more and ideas pop out in night mostly, so sorry sor giving early morning or late night updates.....

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