Chapter 8. Seeing purple

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Today we had to go to Miami for the last show. "Wakey wakey" Michael said brushing pieces of hair out of my face. I just lied there. Yesterday was horrible. I never wanted to see Luke agian, especially not go on tour with him. Luckily Michael packed my bags for me and i didn't have to do much.

I put on an over sized white knitted sweater and a pair of galaxy vanz. I walked down stairs nd saw Luke and everyone waiting for me downstairs. "Chloe will you please just talk to me" "for what? Just so you could tell how good of a kisser Nicole is" i was angry, beyond angry! "I thought you loved me!" I was screaming now "I di- i mean i do!". I started to walk up to him, ready to slap him across his face. Then a pair if hands wrapped around my waist.

Michael led me towards the door and onto the bus. Michael and i took the big bedroom in the back while the other boys had the bunks. I went to go sit down in the game room. The bus now started moving. Miami here i come..

Calum and Ashton walked into the room and sat infront of me. "Chloe" Calum started "you know Luke didn't mean to, he was drunk, plus i don't know something funky was going on with him on the way to the bar." I sighed. "I just thought Luke would at least be more responsable."

"Don't blame him" Ashton said. "Well what am i supposed to do, be like oh yea Luke by the way you kissing my worst ememy is perfectly fine with me, i don't mind one bit!?"

Calum and Ashton gave eachother a look of pure defeat. There was no getting through to me. Luke messed up. Big time.

"C'mon guys lets go see a movie" Louis showed up out of no where. "Chloe, lookin good" he added winking and leaving to get into the black escalade just parked outside. I walked over to Michael and he kissed my forehead. "Sit with me at the movies?" He asked "Of course" i said.

We all hopped into one of the many cars waiting outside, i sat next to Michael and Luke sat behind us. It was a 30 min drive to the theater so Michael layed down and rested his head on my lap. "Your color is starting to fade""Yea, im planing on diying it a diffrent color" he stated "Which color should i do" "i'd say blue" blue was one of my favorite colors.

The whole ride Luke looked annoyed, upset, or bored. He would look on his phone every once in a while. He looked relieved when we finally got to the theater.

We all went to go see some random movie that Zayn picked out. We walked to our seats and the whole theater was empty. "Its so empty" "Harry bought out the theater." Niall said whispering in my ear. Ahh i see, Harry always seems to have some money to blow.

I sat next to Liam and Michael. I felt something on my hand but relized it was Michaels hand. He took mine into his. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

When the movie was over we had at least one hour before we had to go back to the bus. "Lets go get our hair done" i said pulling Michael towards the hair salon. "Hello, what can i do for you" her name was Rachel according to her name tag. "We both would like to color our hair." "Wait. Your getting yours done too?" He seemed suprised "yep, pink and purple."

It only took Rachel about 30 min to do Michaels hair, but mine on the other hand took longer than expected.

We hopped in our car and drove back to the bus. We were 5 minutes late so we got yelled at by management. Michael led me to our room and i immediatley laid down. Michael pushed me over and laid next to me. I cuddled up to his chest. I could hear his heart with every beat. "I like your hair like this" he said grinning at my pink and purple ombre tips. "I figured you would".

I heard a sound coming from the game room. Luke. He seemed to be writing a song. Well actually i guess it was finished because he sung the whole thing. I listened to his song and walked into the room.

"Chloe I-" "that's a pretty song" "thanks" he blushed a little. "Who's it about" i asked "oh Clo, don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "If you really want to know its about Nicole." "Why does it sound so dark" the song was dark, spooky even, maybe even a bit disturbing.

"I went over to Nicole's house to tell her what a mistake it was and how much i loved you, and when she went to go get me some water i snooped a bit..." "Oh Lukey, don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" We laughed. It was nice to finally talk to him without yelling.

"Well anyway, i found a doll that looked exactly like me." He explained himself. It made sense too, Nicole was a freak, it was no suprise to me. "So what's the song called?" "Voodoo Doll" he smiled. "Turns out she was using it on me, thats why i did all those things Clo." I hugged him, so tight i wasn't sure if he could still breathe.

"Chloe i really do love you, there's no one i'd rather be with." He said kissing my forehead. "Now since we got that cleared up, why don't you tell Michael that i'll be in that bedroom with you tonight."

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